The Truth Behind the US Meeting Between Russian Intel and “Fixer” Pompeo

This was an unprecedented visit

…from  Press TV, Tehran
Update: We have been getting denial of service attacks on the website starting a few minutes after Gordon’s note went up. Probably just a coincidence ? . Keep us posted in the comments what you are experiencing… Thanks, JD

FSB chief, Sergei Naryshkin

Senior Editor’s note:  There are two subjects of discussion.  Top among them is eliminating anyone who can testify as to the two dossiers, both of which could be independently confirmed.  Trump was burned in Moscow and is a “KGB Mole.”
We know Mike Flynn was burned in Moscow and Trump knew it.  We believe Russia asked Trump to appoint Flynn.  He was burned in 2015 at an RT dinner and afterward, his son in attendance along with friends of ours, fellow journalists and diplomats in Russia.
They described his performance, his ranting against America in particular and his hand out asking for cash.  He took $55k and asked for much more.  We suspect he was promised the moon.  The FSB believed they owned Flynn and could use him to steer Trump who they believe is unstable and unfocused.
I was subjected to an FBI interview as part of this investigation.  It was my impression they were simply doing their job.
Now it comes down to where we are now, with Russia and the US at odds.  Did Russia meet with Donald Jr., Manfort, Page and others about rigging the US election.  The evidence is in and admissions made and a Flynn plea.  The charges might well have been much more serious.
What we are looking today is Naryshkin and Pompeo meeting.  Pompeo is hardly a CIA director, he is a minor DC thug and public relations guy.  He is hugely out of his depth as is so often the case with CIA directors.  Assume the CIA isn’t American at all, not since Reagan anyway, and you begin to understand.
The second issue, the one we promised, is this.  They, Pompeo for Trump and Naryshkin and “getting their stories straight.”  Putin is a master spy.  He would have never, by my estimation, authorized anyone to meet with a pack of greedy morons to rig an American election but it seems it happened anyway.
Evidence indicates that Trump knowingly had operatives meet with a foreign intelligence agency to rig an American election.  He would do it, we all know it, he has no sense.  Those around him are idiots as well, gangsters and fools.  They did it, they are guilty, this is treason, a constitutional crisis, and they have to be arrested and imprisoned or the whole charade of our pretend government will unravel.
What some of us also see is the hand of Putin’s enemies, the Turkish and Russian/Khazar “oligarchs,” read “mob bosses” that have been behind Trump since 1982 when Roy Cohn, real mob boss and Trump mentor, introduced him around as an “idiot on the make” for helping launder drug cash.
Less than a decade later, the Soviet Union was kaput, the Soviet prison emptied and the worst of them heading to the US, coffers loaded with cash from the Soviet Commercial Banks of Belarus, Ukraine and Leningrad.  This was a CIA operation begun in Poland in 1990, breaking into the KGB by smuggling American cigarettes.  After that Soviet bankers were invited to the US and burned.
A deal to loot the Soviet Union was set up with help of Senator’s Kennedy and Sarbanes, banking capabilities created, and Trump was one of the outlets for an initial tranch of $320m of stolen cash.   The meeting was at the Pierre setting it up.  Guess who sat next to Senator Sarbanes at that meeting?
How it began, getting rid of the Soviet Union, was the holy grail of the CIA for decades.  That it was done with political hacks and has backfired with them taking over us is in reality “high humor.”
But is it Russia or is it Russian born criminals who represent not Israel but a massive crime syndicate that blends right in with Wall Street, the oil and defense companies and Sheldon Adelson’s Israeli congress?
Are you getting the picture?  We began with next to no American government at all after two rigged Bush 43 elections.  If Russia really took over, if Putin was really running America, things would start working better.
Instead, Trump is burning America down while the 1% is being handed the keys.  No, our oversimplistic views of who is what don’t fit.  Our hope here, and listen carefully, is if John Kerry steps in.  This seems to be the plan and Kerry is just dirty enough that congress loves him. Byden does not have the gravitas.
[ Editor’s Note: This was quite a curve ball here, having a small parade of top Russian Intel people flying to Washington to pow wow with the CIA. Even Congress wanting to know what was going on, is limited from doing so, as it is a sieve when it comes to leaks.
What they could have been discussing is anyone’s guess as there would be so much to talk about, including the possibility of laying out that if the US continued sanctioning Russian government officials, Moscow would have to start releasing its treasure trove of US “interfering in elections” all over the world.
Insiders know that is one of the CIA’s main jobs, and all the Congressional old timers know it, too. None of this would ever be admitted to, of course. But when Trump converted his new list of sanctions targets into a “potential list” as a “deterrent”, that was a strong hint that some rethinking might have gone on.
Putin had already publicly signaled that there would be a strong response to new sanctions, and quickly. This which was quite a break from the past where Moscow has always carefully weighed the pros and cons of taking reciprocal action, showing concern of not wanting to get into a spiraling down of relations via an endless cycle of sanctions and counter sanctions.
Pompeo brushed off any claims of the Russians having the US over a barrel,  “while Russia remains an adversary, we would put American lives at greater risk if we ignored opportunities to work with the Russian services in the fight against terrorism.”
And we must not forget that the US supplied Russian Intel with the material to breakup the St. Petersburg attack, for which Putin was quick to say thank you. Pompeo also stated that neither side was ever shy about discussing its difficulties with the other.
We will have to wait for some leaks to appear (unlikely) to know more, and then have to weigh whether they are fake or real leaks, another part of the game … Jim W. Dean ]

– First published … February 02, 2018 –
The heads of three Russian intelligence agencies traveled to the United States to meet with CIA Director Mike Pompeo, amid a series of political rifts between the two sides over US President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russian officials and Washington’s renewal of sanctions against Moscow.
The Russian embassy in the US confirmed Tuesday that Sergei Naryshkin, head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (FIS), was in the US to discuss the fight on terrorism with Pompeo.

CIA director Mike Pompeo

It has now been revealed in a report by The Washington Post that accompanying Naryshkin during the trip were two other chiefs — Alexander Bortnikov, director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), and Colonel General Igor Korobov, chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).
According to the Post, Bortnikov also met with the CIA chief but it was not clear which American officials Korobov had met with.
A senior US intelligence official in Moscow also headed back to Washington to partake in the meetings, an unnamed US government source familiar with the matter told the paper.
The encounters raised concern among some US politicians, who interpreted them as signs of the Trump administration’s willingness to work with Moscow despite concerns at home about the government of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election.
While the meetings between Russian and American spymasters are not unheard of, current and former US officials told the Post that this particular trip by so many heads of Russian intelligence agencies was unprecedented.
Pompeo defends meeting
After facing heavy criticism from Democrats, specially Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer who said “there was something untoward” in the meetings, Pompeo said Thursday that the meetings were nothing out of the ordinary.
“While Russia remains an adversary, we would put American lives at greater risk if we ignored opportunities to work with the Russian services in the fight against terrorism,” Pompeo said. “We cover very difficult subjects in which American and Russian interests do not align,” he added.
Schumer had specifically asked for more details about Naryshkin, who is on Washington’s sanctions list, and that whether the trip had anything to do with the Trump administration’s refusal this week to impose new sanctions against Russia.
The Trump White House had until Monday to implement a sanctions bill against Moscow but instead informed lawmakers that the legislation, which was passed last year, was already “serving as a deterrent.”
The trip also came days before Washington released a list of 114 Russian politicians and 96 “oligarchs” close to the Kremlin upon a request by Congress. Bortnikov is among the sanctioned senior Russian officials.
US media did not rule out a possible connection between the meeting and Washington’s decision to shelve the sanctions bill for the near future.

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