The Reorganization of Al-Qaeda in Syria


Following the meeting at Astana during which Turkey’s position became closer to the positions taken by Russia and Iran, and the meeting at Moscow during which pro-Turkish opposition engaged in discussions with the republican opposition, an internal war is unfolding among armed groups.

In this context, Al-Qaeda has reorganized its forces and announced that Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (the Assembly for the Liberation of the Levant) has been established.

This new denomination is an umbrella organization bringing together the following organizations: Jabhat Fath al Sham (formerly known as Front Al-Nusra), Harakat Nour Al-Din Al-Zanki (CIA), Liwa Al-Haqq, Ansar Al-Din and Jaysh Al-Sunnah (also associated with the CIA).

The operation has been supported by the MI6 which composed the logo of the new organization (photo).

The new entity includes several personalities from the Islamic Movement of the Free People of the Sham (“Ahrar al-Sham”). However at the time of writing, we do not know if this group has disbanded or if these personalities are announcing their forthcoming unity. These personalities are:

- the Saudi Sheikh Abdullah al-Muhaysini (the former head of the “moderates” of East Aleppo who was the Chair of the Tribunal of the Sharia);
- Abu Yusuf Muhajir (the former military spokesman); and
- Abou Saleh Tahan (the former no 2 of the organization).

Ahrar al-Cham is/was a terrorist group funded by Saudi Arabia and its relations are shaped by the United Kingdom. Its “Minister for Foreign Affairs”, Labib al-Nahhas, is a British member of the MI6. He moves about freely in Europe and published a year and a half ago an opinion page in the Washington Post.

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