Jan 5, 2011 


Michael Collins Piper discusses the lunacy of those within the ‘patriot’ movement who think that by playing with words that somehow they will slip under the radar of Jewish interests.

note–due to the overwhelming interest this program has garnered in just a week’s time, we have already burned through a month’s worth of available bandwidth and had to upgrade to a more expensive plan. Anyone in the position to assist with the additional costs associated with this wins Hero of the year award.

Listen Here


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  1. Perry L says:

    January 6, 2011 at 4:04 am

    “Tell ya what I’m gonna do…” since I’m broke as a joke for another week or so (another successful month of spending every penny ;-) ) I’ll download all the mp3′s of the podcasts and put them on A Look in the Mirror so people can listen to them there too (or instead). I’ll post links to them when I get them situated in the comments on the shows etc.

    –note from me, MG–Perry, keep your money brother. What’s most important right now is spreading the word and you just did it so consider us in your debt.

  2. Perry L says:

    January 6, 2011 at 5:00 am

    Now also available at A Look in the Mirror The Piper Report 01-05-2011 for download.

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