The occupation stormed the prisoners’ section in Ashkelon Prison

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Ramallah – Quds News: The “Yamaz” repression forces stormed the prisoners ’section of Ashkelon prison, conducted an inspection, and caused massive damage in the room designated for the“ Kentina ”.

The Prisoners Club, in a statement, this evening, Thursday, that a confrontation took place between the prisoners and the oppression forces after that, and that the prison administration transferred the prisoner Nasr Abu Hamid to the cells, and that the prisoners decided in response to this to close the section.

The Prisoners Club indicated that the prisoners of Ashkelon prison, numbering about 50, were subjected to repeated and continuous repression, isolation, and isolation, which escalated since October 2019, noting that among the prisoners who were in the only section devoted to security prisoners in the prison, Ashkelon A number of sick prisoners, pointing out that this process of repression is the second since the beginning of this year, when it witnessed a repression in January.

It is noteworthy that the Occupation Prisons Administration has escalated repression of prisoners since the beginning of last 2019, which witnessed the most violent repression in more than ten years.

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The occupation announces the arrest of the person who carried out the run over operation in occupied Jerusalem


Ramallah – Quds News: The Israeli occupation forces arrested, on Thursday evening, the perpetrator of the run-up operation that took place at occupied Jerusalem.

A statement issued by the occupation army said that: “The accused of carrying out the run-over operation was transferred to investigation after extensive intelligence and operational efforts carried out by the occupation army in cooperation with the” Shin Bet, police and other special units “, while he did not provide any other details.

The Prisoners’ Information Office stated that the arrested bomber is “Sanad Khaled Al-Turman” from occupied Jerusalem, and he was arrested in an ambush at the Etzion settlement intersection, north of Hebron, in the occupied West Bank.

The run over operation in occupied Jerusalem resulted in the injury of 12 soldiers, including one seriously injured, as the two men managed to withdraw, while the occupation confiscated his car in Beit Jala, before announcing his arrest at a later time.

  1. News

Updated | Seven Palestinians were arrested from Jerusalem and the West Bank, including two boys


Occupied Palestine – Jerusalem News : The occupation forces arrested at dawn today, Thursday, seven Palestinians from separate areas in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem.

Local sources said that the occupation forces arrested Hassan Al-Amor and Ahmed Al-Amor after they stormed their homes in the town of Tuqu ‘s southeast of Bethlehem.

She added that the army forces also arrested the young Bakr Bassam Eid Al-Hawarin from Al-Dhahiriya, south of Hebron, and Ahmed Khaled Abu Halouq from Al-Taybeh, the Jenin District.

The leader of the Popular Front, Ahmed Soufan, from Ramallah, was also arrested.

In Jerusalem, the occupation forces arrested the boy, Mustafa Karama, from the town of Al-Ram, north of the city, while the occupation police re-arrested the boy, Musab Ghazala, from Jerusalem one day after his liberation, where he spent two months in solitary confinement in the criminal prison “Ofik”.

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