The number of ambassadors of freedom increased to 88 children

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi occupied Ramallah: The Palestinian Prisoners Center for Studies stated that the number of children who were smuggled out of the occupation prisons and succeeded in having children rose to reach (88) children.

The media spokesman for the center, Riyad Al-Ashqar, said that the prisoner Ammar Al-Zaben was the first to undergo that experience and gave birth to the first baby boy through sperm in August 2012, and the number gradually increased until he reached 62 prisoners who gave birth to 88 children.

He added that “the issue of reproduction from behind bars through the smuggling of sperm has remained a hope and a dream that captures prisoners for many years, especially the old ones, and those with high rulings, as their ages are in prison, and the dream of paternity slowly fades with age, until they decided in 2012 to enter the adventure.” .

Al-Ashqar asserted that the occupation was unable to discover all methods of smuggling sperm from inside the prison, “although he knew some ways, but the prisoners are creative in finding alternatives to the continuation of their struggle with the Nazi occupier who is trying to kill the spirit of hope and life in them.”

According to the Palestine Prisoners’ Center statement, the prisoners consider the continuation of child and childbirth from inside prisons despite the procedures and penalties against them, constituting a moral victory and expressing a steel will, despite the cruelty of the prison, and the long years that passed from their lifetimes deprived of their freedom.

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