The Nazi occupation transports 9 prisoners who mixed with an editor who was wounded by Corona from Ofer Nazi Camp

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi occupied Palestine: The Prisoners’ Club reported that the Nazi Occupation Prisons Administration transferred the nine prisoners who had been quarantined after their contact with the liberated prisoner, Noureddine Sarsour, infected with the Corona virus, from Ofer Prison to Sahronim, without taking samples from them.

The club indicated that the prisoners are: Rakan Al-Jabari, Yazan Al-Jabari, both from Hebron, Hazaa Al-Amour from Nablus, Dhiab Barash from Al-Amari Camp, Imad Al-Sheikh from Ramallah, Qusay Daraghmeh from Nablus, Muhammad Melhem from Jenin, Sameh Al-Amour from Al-Eizariya, and Khalil Dawas from Jericho.

The club explained that the “Sahronim” prison was designated for the detention of African migrants.

He added that the administration of Ofer Nazi Camp had two other captives who are from the Cubs prisoners, who met with the editor Sarsour, during their exit to the court, namely: Hassan Hammad from the town of Silwad, and Abdel-Rahman Al-Barghouthi from the town of Deir Abu Mishaal, stressing that he informed the families of the prisoners mentioned for their transfer , And the information he has at the moment.

The club considered that the transfer of prisoners is a dangerous procedure in which the prison administration is trying to deny its pledge made to the prisoner movement regarding taking samples of the nine prisoners who had been in contact with the editor who had been infected with the epidemic.

The club renewed its call for the World Health Organization and the International Red Cross to pressure the occupation to provide the epidemic prevention supplies.

Prisoners close section “14” in Ofer Nazi Camp

Prisoners Authority: Injury of the released prisoner Noureddine Sarsour, “Corona”

Prisoner Iyad Jerjawi suffers from a cancerous tumor

 The Nazi occupation continues to arrest children, despite calls for their release

pal child

The Nazi occupation continues to arrest approximately 180 children in its prisons, despite the current calls and demands for their release, due to the spread of Corona virus infection.

The captive club said that the Nazi occupation continues to arrest children despite calls for their release, due to the Coruna outbreak, which added a new threat to their fate, in addition to the risk of continuing their detention in prisons that do not meet the minimum conditions for protecting their childhood. 

He added in a report issued today, Sunday, on the occasion of the Palestinian child’s day that falls on the fifth of April of each year, that what happened yesterday in the Ofer prison that the prison administration quarantined two children from the prisoners, instead of releasing them, is dangerous He called on all international bodies, especially UNICEF, to urgently intervene to release the child prisoners. 

And that the occupation pursues a policy of arresting Palestinian children, as an essential part of its violent structure and tools, and through which it tries to steal their childhood, and threaten their fate and future, and its violent tools used against children at its level do not differ from its tools against the adult detainees, and these procedures start from the moment of their first arrest, Even being held in Nazi Camps. 

The Nazi occupation carries out grave violations against child prisoners from the moment of their arrest and detention, which contradicts what is stipulated in many conventions for the protection of children, through their organized arrests from their homes late at night to the centers of investigation and detention, and keeping them without food or drink For long hours, in some documented cases, they arrived for two days, issuing insults and obscene words to them, threatening them and intimidating them, extracting confessions from them under pressure and threat, prompting them to sign statements written in the Hebrew language without translating them, depriving them of their legal right to attend one of the Religion and counsel during the investigation, and other methods and violations, and the occupation authorities do not hesitate to detain children administratively without any charge, knowing that most of the charges against children are related to throwing stones. 

Since the beginning of the year 2020, the issue of child prisoners has witnessed dangerous transformations, which the administration of the occupation camps tried to impose inside the Camp, represented in the issue of transferring them without their representatives from Ofer Nazi Camp to Damoon Nazi Camp.

The children who were transferred were subjected to assaults by the oppression forces, isolating a number of them, threatening them, and detaining them in conditions that do not meet the minimum conditions for human living, and imposing sanctions on them and denying their families their visit, which was considered by the prisoners and human rights institutions, a dangerous transformation and an attempt to take them one of the most important Their achievements, represented by the presence of supervisors of child prisoners in prisons, to organize their lives and assist them in facing the conditions of detention. 

The year 2015 constituted a dangerous turning point for the fate of the captured children, in which their case witnessed many transformations, including the endorsement of the occupation by a number of racist laws and the submission of draft laws, which legislate high rulings against children, and in some cases amounted to more than ten years, and even life imprisonment .

The Nazi occupation applies to children in the West Bank military law, while its exceptional procedures in the Israeli Civil Law apply to the children of Jerusalem, as part of the classification policies that it tries to impose on the Palestinians, and to establish the divisions it imposed on the ground, and although it applies the Nazi civil law to the children of Jerusalem, it has arrived The matter is to summon children through their families, as young as five years old, as happened in the village of Issawiya, northeast of the city during the past year 2019. 

It is the highest rate of arrests among children in the city of Jerusalem, where its children face repeated arrests, some children have not been able, for years, to complete their education due to the arrest, and as a result of the house arrest operations through which the occupation authorities targeted the Jerusalemite social fabric, especially children, and are registered monthly The highest number of arrests among children in Jerusalem compared to other Palestinian governorates. 

According to Al-Asir Club, child prisoners are held in three Nazi Camps: Ofer, Megiddo, and Damoun, and since 2015, more than 6,700 cases of Palestinian children and boys were registered, and the highest rate of child arrests was in the last three months of 2015 that witnessed the beginning of The popular gift, with cases of detention among children in that year 2000 cases, the majority of which were concentrated in Jerusalem.

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