The Nazi occupation transfers the general counsel of Fatah prisoners to solitary confinement

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi Occupied Ramallah: A human rights organization reported that the management of the Megiddo Nazi Camp informed the general counsel of the prisoners of the Fatah movement, the prisoner Izz al-Din al-Attar, that he was transferred to the solitary confinement cells.

In a statement, the Prisoners and Executives Affairs Authority stated that the prisoner, Al-Attar (37 years), from Tulkarm, has been detained since 2003 and has been sentenced to 21 years.

She indicated that he is one of the sick prisoners in the Nazi occupation Camp, as he suffers from severe pain because of discs in his back since the year 2004, and the prison administration continued to prevent him from treatment until 2010.

After that, the Nazi Camp administration transferred him to conduct medical exams and returned him to the prison without treatment. Several months ago, he transferred him to the hospital again, where he decided to perform surgery after his health condition worsened, and the severity of the pain on him caused him difficulty in walking.

The commission indicated that he has not yet undergone the surgery, and still depends on taking analgesics as a treatment.

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