The Nazi occupation renounces the release of the prisoner Zahran and extends his detention for 4 months

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Sit-in of the family of the beaten prisoner Ahmed Zahran (3)

Nazi occupied Ramallah: The Nazi occupation authorities decided, “Today,” Tuesday evening, to continue the detention of the prisoner Ahmad Zahran from Deir Abu Mishaal in Ramallah, for a period of 4 months under the terms of administrative detention, in a renunciation of the agreement that took place after his recent hunger strike.

The Nazi occupation authorities postponed more than once the decision to release Zahran (42 years), under the pretext of allowing the occupation police to appeal against the decision.

The Nazi military occupation court decided a few days before the release of Zahran, on condition that a financial guarantee of 10,000 shekels be paid.

It is noteworthy that the prisoner Ahmed Zahran had spent a total of 15 years in the Nazi detention camps, and he is the father of four children, and was last arrested in the month of March 2019.

Zahran went on hunger strike for 113 days in the past months, before he ended his strike in the middle of last month after an agreement with the Occupation Prison Administration.

The strike that Zahran recently fought is the second, as he went on a strike against his administrative detention that lasted for 39 days, and ended after promises to release him, but the occupation authorities re-renewed his administrative detention for a period of four months and fixed it for the entire period.

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