The Nazi occupation forces arrested three Palestinians and stormed the institution of health work committees in Ramallah

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


The Nazi Occupation Forces (NOF )  arrested at dawn and morning on Friday three Palestinian youths during raids in areas in Ramallah, Nablus and Jenin.

In Ramallah, Nazi soldiers arrested Hadi Tarsha, a student at Birzeit University, from his house in Al-Irsal neighborhood in the city.

Nazi forces also stormed the rooftop of Marhaba neighborhood in Al-Bireh city. Clashes erupted between soldiers and youth in the area.

In Nablus, the Israeli occupation forces stormed Balata refugee camp and arrested Mohammed Hashash, according to eyewitnesses, as clashes erupted between Palestinian youths and Israeli soldiers storming the area.

Local sources reported the arrest of a special force of the Nazi army of a young man from the city of Jenin, where the special force disguised as a civilian and kidnapped the young Mohammed Mills after he was wounded near the dove roundabout in the city of Jenin.

In the context of the Nazi aggression, dozens of soldiers stormed the occupation army, on Friday, the headquarters of the General Administration of Health Work Committees Foundation, in the surface of Marhaba city of beer, after the destruction of its external doors.

According to eyewitnesses, Nazi soldiers smashed offices inside the establishment and threw files on the ground, after they broke doors and locks with heavy hammers.# Occupation forces# young men

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