The Nazi occupation forces arrested a student in Birzeit Samah Jardat


By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Palestine: Occupied West Bank :  Nazi Gestapo launched raids in different parts of the occupied West Bank, it resulted in a university student and the arrest of desolation in the prisoner and his relatives houses.

The Nazi occupation forces arrested at dawn today, a student at Birzeit University, Samah Jaradat, during a raid on her home in Al-Bireh.

Earlier, the Nazi occupation arrested the student at the Faculty of Information at Birzeit University, Mays Abu Ghosh, and the lecturer at the same college, Widad Barghouthi, after the arrest of her two sons, Carmel and Qassam.

In the village of Ein Qinya, west of Ramallah, the Nazi occupation forces stormed the dawn today, the house of the prisoner Aysar Maarouf and a number of houses of his relatives.

Nour Hamed, the wife of the prisoner known, said that the Nazi occupation wreaked havoc in her home and the homes of her husband’s relatives, before they withdrew and seized storage memory.

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