The Nazi occupation forces arrest two Palestinian boys in raids in Ramallah

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi Occupied West Bank : Nazi forces launched on Wednesdaydawn raids in village of Silwad east Ramallah and Deir northwest Ramallah system, and broke into Palestinian homes and inspected, and raids resulted arrest Palestinians from town of Silwad two boys.

According to local sources, the Nazi occupation forces arrested the two boys, Mohammed Kamel and Suleiman Kamel, after they raided the homes of their families in Silwad, and the Nazi forces raided the homes of Palestinians during the storming of Deir Nizam village and took pictures of a number of boys.

In the context of the Israeli attacks, the Nazi occupation authorities, on Wednesday, closed the Fardis road east of Bethlehem with barbed wire, which will deny Palestinians access to their land, according to the Office of the Wall in Bethlehem.

According to the Director of the Office of the Wall and Settlement Authority in Bethlehem, Hassan Brigieh, that the occupation closed the historic road leading to the Dead Sea under the pretext that it is an antiquities area, and the length of about (10) km.

This morning, a Palestinian girl was wounded by Nazi gunfire at the Qalandiya checkpoint north of occupied Jerusalem. Nazi soldiers also assaulted the Palestinians.

According to local sources, the girl was wounded by unknown injuries after being shot by Nazi soldiers near Qalandia checkpoint, while Nazi media claimed that she had intended to carry out a stabbing operation.# Occupation# Arrest# Palestinians

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