The Nazi occupation continues to isolate four prisoners from the “open”

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


Nazi Occupied Palestine: The Nazi Occupation Prison Administration continues to isolate four prisoners from the Fatah movement’s organization in Raymond Prison, since ten days ago.

And Al-Asir Club, in a statement today, Sunday, that the prison administration transferred them to several prisons after it decided to isolate them, where the two prisoners, Hatem Al-Qawasmeh, who was sentenced to 4 life imprisonments, and Osama Saeed, who was sentenced to 5 life imprisonments, were transferred to isolating the “Gilboa” prison.

While the prisoner Omar Kharwat, who was sentenced to 4 life imprisonments, was isolated to the isolation of “Megiddo” prison, and the prisoner Ibrahim Abdel-Hayy in isolating the “Hadarim” prison.

The Prisoners Club pointed out that the prison administration has escalated the isolation operations since the beginning of this year and targeted a number of prisoners in the regulatory bodies, and a number of them have been subjected to investigation.

It is noteworthy that the prisoner Al-Qawasmeh has been detained since 2003, Saeed since 2001, and Kharwat since 2002, and they are from Hebron Governorate, while the prisoner Ibrahim Abdel-Hayy has been detained since 2002, and he is from the Burin village of Nablus district. 

It is noteworthy that the number of prisoners in the prisons of the occupation until the end of February 2020, about 5,000 prisoners, including 43 prisoners, about 180 children, and 430 administrative detainees.

The Nazi occupation decides to withdraw a large number of items available in the prisoners “Kantina”


Ramallah: The Nazi Occupation Prison Authority of Prison Administration decided today, Monday, to withdraw a large number of items available in the “Cantina”.

The Prisoners’ Information Office said that the Nazi Camp Administration informed the prisoners of the withdrawal of a large number of items that are provided to them through the “Cantina”.

The Nazi occupation continues to restrict and abuse Palestinian prisoners, by depriving them of the most basic basics of life in its prisons, the last of which was preventing the visit of their families to their captive children.

Prisoners’ Affairs: Two prisoners are still in protective custody in Ramla

Prisoners’ Authority: Repression units storm Section (4) of “Gilboa” Detention

Prisoners’ Authority: Two Zionist prisoners, suspected of having Corona, will be released

Tuesday morning: 7 detainees in the West Bank and Jerusalem


Nazi Occupied West Bank: At least early today, at least 7 Palestinians, from the Nazi occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank, were arrested by the Nazi occupation forces.

And the Nazi occupation forces arrested, at dawn, two young men from the city of Qalqilya, namely: the former detainee Raafat Douiri (25 years) and Nepal Ali Qara’an (18 years), after they raided and searched their homes.

The arrests also included the young man Sameh Barakat Farhat from the town of Beita, south of Nablus, and the young Mujahid Dirar Awad from the village of Awarta. Ayoub Khadr Al-Masalmeh from Dura, south of Hebron. 

The Nazi occupation forces arrested the young Anas, according to Barghouti, from Beit Rima, northwest of Ramallah.

According to local sources, more than 15 Israeli soldiers stormed the house of the young Anas Hassan Al-Barghouthi, and destroyed the contents of his house, before they arrested him.

The sources added that the Nazi occupation soldiers fired live bullets and sound bombs as they withdrew from the town on foot towards the village of Kafr Ein, which is about 5 kilometers east.

The arrests also included an activist in following up the prisoners’ cases, Nasser Qous from occupied Jerusalem.

In response to the latest restrictions, the prisoners are escalating against the occupation

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Ramallah: The Prisoners and Editors Affairs Authority said that the prisoners in the Nazi occupation camps decided to start escalating steps against the Nazi Camp Administration starting from next Friday and Saturday, in response to the administration’s procedures to delete more than 140 items from the prisons of the prisons. And vegetables and food.

The authority explained that the Nazi occupation authorities and its prisons administration decided, about a month ago, to remove more than 140 items from the Nazi Camp cantina and deprived the prisoners of their purchase, including many types of vegetables (such as lemon and avocado), spices, foodstuffs, and meat, and many detergents, such as soap and shampoo, under the existing exceptional circumstances Corona virus, through cleaning, sterilization and disinfection.

The Prison Administration informed the prisoners at the end of last month that it was working on implementing several escalatory measures towards them, such as preparing food only in the hands of civilian prisoners, downloading 140 items from the cantina, reducing the number of TV stations from ten to seven, and reducing the number of loaves of bread from five to four For a single prisoner, to withdraw the tiles used for cooking, which the prisoners depend on for cooking food, and for the colors of the sheets and blankets to be in one color.

The Nazi occupation continues to restrict and abuse Palestinian prisoners, by depriving them of the most basic basics of life in its prisons, the last of which was preventing the visit of their families to their captive children.

Captive Movement: The Nazi Camp administration did not take any measures to prevent corona

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Ramallah: The captive movement affirmed in the Nazi occupation prisons that the prison administration is not taking any real preventive measures against the “Corona virus”.

 In a statement today, Tuesday, the movement accused the prison administration of using the status quo to confiscate more of its rights. It indicated that the detention of administrative prisoners without charge in light of the spread of the Corona epidemic is a humanitarian crime, as it is their right to be with their families in this circumstance.

And she said: “Preventing our family members from visiting,” Corona, “does not give us the right to communicate with them through contact, and the prison administration must provide this to us without condition or restriction.”

She added: “Piracy of rights; by preventing visiting our families, reducing the number of people present in the outburst, and preventing detergents from the canteen, is what the Prison Administration took as a precautionary measure against Corona.”

She noted that the Prison Administration prohibits 170 items from the two counties, including cleaning materials and essentials for prisoners, which are needed in light of the preoccupation of the human group with the epidemic of Corona.

She said: “It is the jailers who will transmit the epidemic to us because the prison environment is closed and there is no change in it except the prison that mixes with the outside world.”

She affirmed that, despite the difficult circumstances, she will not stand helpless, and that her leadership is conducting consultations to counter this attack in proportion to the size of the violation and individualization.

Prisoners of human rights organizations: “Save us from Corona, so that our prisons will not turn into our graves.”

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Nazi Occupied Palestine: The prisoners in the Nazi occupation Camp sent a letter to the human rights institutions in the world, to move urgently in order to release them, and to force the occupation to provide them with the means to protect them from “Corona”.

The Palestinian Prisoners Committee for the Defense of Human Rights said: “Our sense of danger to our lives increases in the occupation prisons, with the spread of Corona virus, this epidemic that threatens the whole world.”

She added: We hear about instructions from the governments of the world to prevent the virus from spreading further, but we do not hear any serious measures that answer our questions. What if the disease spread in prisons? What are the practical measures that can be implemented humanely by the prison administration ?!

And the prisoners ’message stated:“ We do not hear from the prison administration except to say that we take precautions. This is nothing but ash in the eyes, especially with hundreds of prisoners who are sick with health problems, some of which are very serious. ”

The prisoners directed their appeal to the world and to those concerned with human rights, what remains of our rights and disease threatens our lives day after day, and there are no real procedures or even logical preparations. Medical neglect and delay in treatment haunt the prisoner in Israeli prisons, and many of us spent and died as a result of medical and health neglect.

They added: “The only way to prevent the spread of the epidemic is by taking care, prevention and hygiene measures, and the administration of the occupation prisons does not provide us with the required sterilization tools or even gags.”

The prisoners indicated that they “do not contact the outside world, except through the jailers who are indifferent to their approach to them and perhaps the virus has transmitted them to them, and they in turn can take their measures by moving away from the public and the necessary treatment.”

The prisoners affirmed that “the prison administration and the occupation government, and all those who are silent in the world, and who claim to defend human rights bear the responsibility of our lives.”

And they concluded their message: “To the free people of the world, we say: Do not let us die for our family in prisons, and infection will spread without anyone treating it, or be certain of it.”

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