"The Nazi Gestapo 'Shin Bet' penetration" … when the martyr Hammad, the officer Usher, was humiliated.

By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr


A blind military plane bombs mercilessly, and a raven black revelation revealed to the brute army the sanctuary of the penetrator of the Nazi Gestapo ‘Shabak’ Mutasim Hammad, two rakats to God during the bombing, he rode his rifle and grew up, clashed and resisted. This unmatched fragrance curses.

On the morning of 26/1/1974 Mu’tasim Mahmoud Abdullah Makhlouf was born in the town of Anabta, east of Tulkarm, he studied in his town and among her children in the school of Abdul Rahim Mahmoud until the first secondary stage, and he was known at that time for his scientific excellence to obtain certificates of appreciation in all grades, even He joined the ranks of the resistance during the uprising of the stones, and he is fifteen years old, accompanied by a group of his generation until he was arrested during the high school stage.

Positions of memory

The brother of the martyr and the liberated prisoner, Zakaria Makhlouf, says that Mu’tasim was aware of the coming of the occupation to arrest him like his comrades in confronting and defending the Palestinian land. “Once upon a time, the Nazi occupation came to our old house. Mu’tasim removed my mother and took the peace and put it on the roof, and at that time the army had cordoned off The area, and we thought that Mu’tasim had escaped despite the large number of Nazi soldiers, and after the soldiers left, Mu’tasim came and had hidden in the solarium on the roof of the house, and the Nazi soldiers next to him did not notice him, but he was arrested shortly after. “

On the period of Mu’tasim’s detention, his sister, Khawla, says, “At the secondary school stage, Mu’tasim was arrested first while he was in school because he went to help female students whose Nazi occupation was closed by the school, to perform high school exams in prison, and he got a good rate, and he was released, and after that He moved to university studies at Al-Quds Open University to study business administration.

Khoula continued, that in 1990 the martyr Mu’tasim decided to make his way in the revolution, so he participated in a military parade in the village of Ramin and was wounded by his foot during the parade, and he was transferred to Rafidia Hospital and treated there and the occupation forces were unable to arrest him and he was chased.

Zakaria says that as soon as Mu’tasim recovered, he quickly returned to the resistance. One day, when they were in school, they heard the young men say Mu’tasim Makhlouf was killed during confrontations with the occupation, but it turned out that he was injured and he did not die.

Zakaria continues, “Mu’tasim stayed 21 days in the Yakhloof Hospital, and he left the hospital and we were shocked at how he got out and wanted, but he had been able to visit the identity of his name in it (Abdel Aziz) and put it in his pocket and took this name out of the hospital, while we were at the breakfast table in a month Ramadan, a young man named Muhammad Shafiq Qabaj gave us: “Mu’tasim is in our house now, and he is safe.”

The Nazi occupation increased its madness and hatred when they knew this, and their state of affairs says it was in our hands and we did not know!

The second arrest

On 6/21/1991, a special Nazi forces with a Subaru car entered the town to hunt Mutasim, until she obtained her search and arrested Mu’tasem to stay in the cells of the investigation for 40 days, and they used the worst forms of torture with him, such as electrocution, plucking and the ghost, and sentenced to life imprisonment and fifteen years.

On 5/1/1996 the mother of Mu’tasim went to the memorial of the martyr Yahya Ayyash in Nablus, and then a person came and said Mu’tasim would be released in the Oslo agreement deal, and after a few hours already he was at home, and when his mother arrived in Morocco, she fell to the ground of joy, before To hug, embrace and accept herself.

Unforgettable situations

And Zakaria tells about one of the situations that he will not forget yet. “One day my mother was in the hospital and Mu’tasim came to me and asked me to prepare dinner, and while preparing the dinner I heard the sound of an explosion at home, so I went out of the kitchen quickly until I found Mu’tasim on the stairs running, and I was stunned by the scene as In front of me, Moatasem appeared in his blood, then he said only a few words, take me to the doctor and open all the gas cylinders, and was determined not to go to the hospital, everyone asked about the reason and what happened and we say the gas cylinders exploded, and the doctor advised us to go immediately to the hospital but Moatasem insisted on not going, and I wondered why? !

We were surprised that Mu’tasim, during his absence, mastered the manufacture of explosives and became an engineer in them, but during the manufacturing process on that day, he made a mistake. Instead of placing his cell phone at the point of shipment, he placed the booby-trapped device.

 Zakaria describes the house of Mutasim, which is a few meters away from the main family home, in the minefield, as it was not without a corner except that it found a detonating device or an explosive device.

The house was demolished

On the tale of demolishing the house, Zakaria says, “In the year 2001 I was sitting on the balcony looking at the street and it was full of occupation soldiers, I said to my brother Osama I do not want to stay here, the house is filled with weapons and explosives and if we stay here we will be sentenced to life, we took the ladder and left from the surface I And my brother, but the soldiers realized us, and opened heavy bullets at us, until I heard my brother Osama suffer and found that he was shot in the head, I pulled Osama until we got to the neighbors house, and because of the sound the Palestinian police station came out thinking that there was a problem that happened, 4 of them were martyred After that.

In the morning, the area was searched and they took me. As for Osama, we hidden him under the bed, so he asked me about my name, and I answered him Zakaria Hammad, Mu’tasim’s brother. He said: This is your house.

Immediately upon the arrival of an intelligence officer, we asked about the presence of something in the house, so we decided to demolish it, we told him to demolish it, but he said: I want a house in Mu’tasim, which is the upper part of the house, so he placed dynamite and detonated it, it was a tremendous and chilling sight.

Khawla’s sister, Khawla, said, “My mother did not want to leave the house, so they brought her dogs, and the house exploded, and while everyone was crying, Umm Al-Mu’tasim said:” Oh, loss, they went out of the oils, “which made us forget the pain, my mother was strong and did not fear the army. And she adds that the explosive material that Mu’tasim made was called Umm al-Abd, according to his mother.

The Nazi Gestapo ‘Shin Bet

 The challenge between Mu’tasim and the Nazi Gestapo intelligence officer “Usher”, which Mu’tasim considered a match, increased. One day, an explosion occurred at the Al-Taibeh and Al-Shahaddi checkpoint from the town of Anabta named Murad Abu Asal. The official in charge of the operation, Engineer Mu’tasim Hammad, is my brother, the number one wanted by the Mossad. And, he adds, “The martyr Murad was reporting all the Mossad news to Mu’tasim on the pretext that he was working with the occupation, but it was quite the opposite, and the last news that Mu’tasim had from Murad was that the occupation wanted to eliminate it.”

“After the operation, the intelligence officer came to the family’s house and said: I salute the greeting of Mu’tasim’s mother, and he asked her, Do you know what your son did today? She answered no, so he answered plans for a sabotage operation in which two intelligence officers were killed, and the response of the servant’s mother came, so he might take off your eyes. I handed him over to my Lord, and I gave him to my first girlfriend, Palestine. “

The life of a chaser

Khawla smiles and looks at Mu’tasim’s picture that she put in the room. She tells: Mu’tasim called me, “I’m on my way to you, but prepare the mush. Can you?” I said to him, “I will prepare it quickly, it came to me at noon, and without any planning my father came at the same time, and during their discussion about submitting Mu’tasim himself to the suggestion of the father, Mu’tasim repudiated you saying this, Dad!” I want martyrdom, martyrdom only, and I kissed my mother looking at Mu’tasim’s face.

The mother says to her son, Isn’t it time for me to rejoice in you, my son, Moatassim replied with a smile? You will offer me a big wedding about his mother’s relative. Indeed, the wedding was only two days later.


On the thirteenth of March of the year 2002, and at about three o’clock in the evening, an explosion occurred in the western Sahel region, an intense flight of aircraft, an armed clash taking place in the place, the pace of news and climate accelerated. It was well prepared for any novel, Mu’tasim Shahid? Not apparently Maher al-Bilbisi, but Rami al-Mulhim, was one of them likely injured or not? Anabta is on fire, horrific scenes and lead melodies sound all over. The operation is over and the occupation forces have withdrawn. Three cases have reached the Palestinian Red Crescent building in Anabta. Maher, Rami and the penetrator, engineer Moatasem Hammad, what happened, Rami? 

Maher is a friend of Mutasim and a companion who was trained as a martyr in the aftermath of the direct missile strike. Mutasim was at the time praying his last kneeling to his Lord, coinciding with the end of his prayers. The bombing started, he took up his weapon and clashed, and he was hit directly by the head once and two and three. With the phrase “gift Usher to Mutasim”.

The mother of the slave, the mother of the martyr Mu’tasim, was unable to believe the news and rejected it completely, and when she confirmed herself, she refused to cry, and on the contrary she sang to her son and competed: “He spilled his eyes and extended his hands to curse him”. I grew up and praised God and fired bullets in the air during the funeral. He wore his suit and required people to bless his son Mu’tasim’s testimony instead of comforting him.OccupationIntifada

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