by Lasha Darkmoon
SOURCE: US and Israel clash over attack on Iran
With added commentary by Lasha Darkmoon
“Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.”
— Israeli General Moshe Dayan
American-Israeli relations have not been so bright recently…
That’s good. The worse this relationship gets, the better it is for America. Americans do not benefit by good relations with Israel.
Two points can be taken as self-evident and axiomatic:
(1) All wars waged at the behest of American Jewry on Israel’s behalf are wars of disaster that can in no way be regarded as beneficial to America. The shameful fiasco in Iraq and the spectacular defeat of America in Afghanistan (its new Vietnam) are obvious examples. American Jewry is one hundred percent to blame for these disasters. Pay no attention to the ad hominem slur that this self-evident truth is an “anti-Semitic canard.” That won’t wash any longer.
(2) The more obvious it becomes that American foreign policy is being run by American Jews in Israel’s interests, to the detriment of America, the clearer it will become that America has fallen under foreign domination, i.e., that it has become a Jewish colony.
The visit of a top Obama administration official was supposed to ease tensions between the countries, but instead it might have only widened the gap regarding attitudes toward the Iranian nuclear problem.
President Obama’s National Security Adviser Tom Donilon arrived in Israel this week and sat with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for two hours to warn Israel against any unilateral attack on Iran. According to the Israeli news outlet Debka, however, this message didn’t sit well with the hawkish leader.
To military sources that have spoken to Debka, Netanyahu is believed to be upset that the US is willing to work with Iran in terms of a possible nuclear program, giving them the go-ahead as long as they promise to avoid enrichment that will lead to them developing nukes. Iran has long insisted that any nuclear related efforts are in the work for energy procurement, although the US and Israel have been called this into question.
Iran is abiding by international law. It is allowed to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. If Israel attacks Iran preemptively and kills Iranians in the process, without a shred of evidence that Iran is building nuclear warheads, this would be a major war crime.
The Obama administration has so far avoided any military action against Iran, hoping instead that international sanctions and strong words will serve as enough of a warning to keep Tehran from working on warheads. Netanyahu, on the other hand, is not convinced. He is not willing to wait for an optimistic outcome and doesn’t rule out a strike on Iran.
Netanyahu’s behavior has all the hallmarks of mental instability. He is acting like a paranoid. He has no rational grounds for attacking Iran. His own nation is already guilty of carrying out numerous covert acts of terrorism within Iran, such as the assassination of Iranian scientists and the creation of the Struxnet virus. Iran has not retaliated to any of these blatant provocations. It has behaved with exemplary restraint. The US loses all credibility if it cuddles up to Israel, a country engaged in international terrorism and hell-bent on starting World War III.
Last month, Deputy Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon explicitly called the Obama administration “hesitant” in their unwillingness to attack, which was followed by a warning only a day later by the nation’s Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, in which he urged the US to “move from words to deeds.”
Why should the US be asked to bomb Iran on Israel’s behalf? Is there any reason why American lives should be sacrificed for Israeli ones? Why the glib assumption that Jews living in apartheid Israel, a major violator of international law, should automatically receive the benefits of American protection? Why does America need to bring on itself the opprobrium of the rest of the world by allowing itself to be the unpaid bodyguard of this international pariah of a nation?
Lately, however, the US is relying less on threats in terms of taking down a weapons program and more on the hope that Iran will keep their word that the nuclear enrichment program there won’t be used for a warhead. According to the latest reports to the media made by American officials close to the matter, a US strike on Iran is currently not on the cards.
That’s as it should be. If the US attacked Iran right now, we would be entitled to ask: “America, have you gone crazy? Why did you attack an innocent country that has started no wars for 300 years?”
Will your answer be: “Oh, we couldn’t help it! Our Jewish Masters in Tel Aviv told us we had to do it! They call the shots, you know! We’re under AIPAC’s thumb and must do their bidding!”
Following the recent, nearly unprecedented deployment of Iranian warships into the Mediterranean Sea, Israel appears closer than ever in coming down hard on Iran. US Joint Chiefs of Staff Commander Gen. Martin E. Dempsey warned CNN this week that an attack at anytime soon simply wouldn’t be “prudent.”
“A strike at this time would be destabilizing and wouldn’t achieve their long-term objectives,” Gen. Dempsey cautioned to CNN host Fareed Zakaria. “I wouldn’t suggest…that we’ve persuaded them that our view is the correct view and that they are acting in an ill-advised fashion,” added Dempsey.
The Israelis ARE acting in an ill-advised fashion. It’s good of General Dempsey to point this out — to state the obvious. It follows: If the Israelis attack Iran unilaterally and behave in an “ill-advised” fashion, the US is under no obligation to support Israel or come to its rescue in the event of Tel Aviv or the Dimmona nuclear facility being attacked by Iranian super missiles.
The US is now hoping that as other countries sign on to deter a nuclear program, Iran will throw in the towel. To Bloomberg Business Week, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak shared similar thoughts, noting, “I think there is consensus in most capitals of the world that Iran should not be allowed to turn into a nuclear military power.”
Rubbish! There is no such consensus. Common sense tells us that if Israel, the most hated nation in the world in all international polls, is allowed to have nuclear weapons, Iran should be allowed to have them too — if only as a means of defense against a bloodthirsty and dangerous enemy that never ceases to threaten it with nuclear devastation.
I go so far as to say: Iran ought to have nuclear weapons. The sooner the better! The useful doctrine of MAD — mutually assured destruction — would then give stability to the region. Israel would think twice of behaving like the bully on the block if it knew it would receive a bloody nose in the process.
Ask yourself a simple question: Which of these two statements would you regard as the true one: (a) The world would be a safer place if Israel had nuclear weapons and Iran had none. (b) The world would be a safer place if Iran had nuclear weapons and Israel had none.
The world would indisputably be a safer place if Iran had the nuclear weapons instead of Israel. It would be an even safer place if the entire Middle East were a nuclear-free zone.
The sad fact is, the people who run the New World Order don’t want a safe world. They want a dangerous world. How can the Military Industrial Complex prosper and enrich Warmongers Inc. if the world is a safe place?
In order for Little Israel to become Greater Israel, there must be huge territorial adjustments. Land must change hands. Such territorial adjustments invariably occur after every major war, as after WW-I and WW-II.
In order for Israel to expand and get itself more Lebensraum, stretching from the Nile to the Euphrates, a major world war is essential. Desperately short of water, Israel has cast its covetous eye on South Lebanon (to start with) and has made plans to occupy this entire region up to the Litani River. This is the next big land grab: South Lebanon. So Israel is hell-bent on precipitating World War III in pursuit of its perennial dream: a great empire in the Middle East, Pax Judaica, under the rulership of the same Ashkenazi Jews who dominate America, Canada, Europe and Australia right now.
Jewish world domination is very much on the cards. It’s been on the cards for two thousand years — ever since Jesus Christ was nailed to the Cross. It’s now getting nearer than ever.
As I explained in my dialogue/discussion with Israel Shamir earlier this year: “The Jews took over America and turned it into a Jewish colony. As simple as that. If they’re smart enough to take over America, as they have demonstrably done, why shouldn’t they proceed to the next logical step and take over the world — yes, dominate the world through America? No one denies this is America’s aim: full-spectrum dominance. So if the Jews control America, and if America controls the world, doesn’t it follow logically that the Jews control the world? The logic is irrefutable…. You could say the wild-eyed dreams of the Protocols have at last been realized, but not in the way their original masterminds intended.” (Seehere)
Last week, US Defense Intelligence Agency Director Lieutenant General Ronald Burgess said Iran will not start the war in the Middle East, unless, of course, the US acts first.
“Iran can close the Strait of Hormuz at least temporarily, and may launch missiles against United States forces and our allies in the region if it is attacked,” Burgess explained this week to a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing. “Iran could also attempt to employ terrorist surrogates worldwide. However, the agency assesses Iran is unlikely to initiate or intentionally provoke a conflict,” he added.
True. Iran will NOT attack first. It would be suicide for it to do so. But if Iran is attacked first, it has every right to defend itself by closing the Straits of Hormuz and of attacking its aggressors. Self-defense needs no defense.
Israel, it would seem, is not as willing to wait for that outcome and could very well clash with Iran before the US makes up its mind.
Let Israel attack Iran if it wishes to act like the proverbial “mad dog” so beloved of Israeli General Moshe Dayan. And let it, like all mad dogs, take the consequences of its actions. We all know what happens to mad dogs eventually.
If Iran counter-attacks Israel and inflicts heavy damages on it with its inter-continental missiles, Israel may well respond by nuking Tehran, causing the death of hundreds of thousands of people and the mass contamination of the country with radioactive fallout lasting for centuries. This would be a flagrant war crime. Russia would then be within its rights to spring to the defense of its ally Iran and give Israel a taste of its own medicine.
This would inevitably lead to WW-III if America should be foolish enough to come to Israel’s rescue as it suffered the consequences of its own criminality.
Israel is a thorn in the flesh of the Middle East. It is a thorn in the flesh of America. The sooner America realizes that Israel is a grave liability rather than an asset, the better. The day may come when America, or some other great power, may be forced to obliterate Israel in the interests of world peace.
Once it is perceived that Israel is a country of “mad dogs”, suffering from a collective pathology akin to rabies, there may be no other alternative but to destroy it.
Heaven forbid that it should ever come to this! There can be no excuse for genocidal violence — violence that would make Holocaust 1 look like a children’s picnic in comparison. So it is up to Israel to clean up its act and take steps to make itself less hated. Right now it is the most hated nation in the world. It also tops all polls in being regarded as the greatest threat to world peace.
Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin gloats over the prospects of Jewish world domination. Is he guilty of an “anti-Semitic canard”? Or did he gets his “conspiracy theory” ideas from reading The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?