1. By now lots of you have read articles like this one about how abut 1/5 of the entire US congress is visiting Israel this month to get their marching orders. As our economy tanks completely and we remained mired is at least 6 stupid wars all of them illegal, 1/5 of our so-called representatives have the time and money to go to racist little Israel to suck up to the Jewish State. No doubt they will all make private pledges to increase aid to Israel to help settle the housing situation that Israeli Jews have been bitching about lately. F*** them, but I digress.
But I want to look at these Congressional pilgrimages to Israel from a slightly different angle. The situation is much worse than you think. Much worse.
Here is what Congressman Steny Hoyer (Likud, Maryland), the leader of the Democratic trip to Israel, was up to today in Jerusalem.
“Jerusalem, Aug 9 – Rep. Steny Hoyer, the number two Democrat in the House of Representatives on Tuesday urged a delegation of visiting ambassadors to vote at the United Nations according to their democratic values instead of voting reflexively against Israel.”
WTF? He’s talking to UN Ambassadors? And he is in Jerusalem leading an AIPAC-funded (actually US taxpayer funded as you will see below) trip to give Netanyahu a political blow job – and he has time to also work for the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs? Isn’t that Hillary Clinton’s job?
Oh yes, Represenative Hoyer on this very day is working for the Israeli government at your expense. Here’s a little more from the article so you can see what he is doing. The red highlights are mine and they should piss you off.
““The issue (at the UN) is not siding with the United States of America. The issue is reflecting values that you adhere to within your own countries,” Hoyer said.
“He said that a push by Palestinian leaders to win unilateral recognition on statehood from the United Nations General Assembly next month could destabilize the entire region and set back hopes of a negotiated peace.
“It would be a negative action and we believe it will undermine the opportunity for a peaceful positive agreement,” Hoyer told the ambassadors who are on the third day of a five-day mission organized by The Israel Project. He added that he was speaking on behalf of at least 400 or the 435 members of the House of Representatives.”
The Israel Project. You see it is not just the AIPAC “charity” called the American Israel Education Foundation that is involved in the Democrats’ (soon to be followed by Republicans) whoring for Israel, there is a second outfit involved. Don’t worry goys and girls both outfits are tax-deductable charities in the United States.
The Israel Project has brought 19 UN ambassadors to Israel and has Steny Hoyer lecturing to them about how they need to vote against Palestinian statehood in the fall at the UN. Steny Hoyer is doing Israel’s work for them and he claims, and I’m sure this is true, that he is speaking for a good 400 US congressmen.
I’ve written about the Israel Project before, but I think it is high time this outfit got a little more exposure.
Here is their website. Give it a good read since you pay for it. The site claims that it is just about getting out facts and is “not affiliated with any government. “
Really? Sounds like Zionist Bullshit to me.
Here’s a link to their “Key” staff page. You’ll note that it has key staff in exactly two cities, Washington and Jerusalem.
Let’s take a look at one or two of their main staff in Jerusalem. Hell, let’s start with the Executive Director for TIP in Jerusalem, a charming fellow named Marcus Sheff. Here’s a sample from the on-line bio for this guy:
“As a reserve officer in the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit, Sheff was a prominent spokesperson for the IDF during the second Intifada and the Lebanon War. Today, he trains senior IDF officers in media skills.
“Sheff has advocated for Israel many times on global TV networks, including CNN, NBC, ABC, NBC, as well as dozens of other US and European TV and radio outlets. He serves on the Knesset Forum on International Relations and on the editorial board of “Engage,” an organization that challenges contemporary anti-Semitism. Sheff studied at the University of Leeds, where he was elected General Secretary of the Leeds University Union and was active as an elected officer in national student politics.”
So you have an IDF hasbara agent heading this outifit’s Jerusalem office and does so as parf of a 501C3 charity.
Lennert J. Leader is the Chair of TIP’s board of directors. Here’s a couple of excerpts from his bio on their site.
“After spending 25 years successfully building industry-leading information technology and Internet companies, Len Leader is now pursuing his philanthropic interests which are focused on working with organizations that promote Jewish education, inform the world about the growing threat of radical Islam and help ensure a strong and secure State of Israel.”
That’s right goys and girls, the leader of TIP states openly that he is a funder of Islamophobes. Look at what other wonderful organizations this guy works with:
“Mr. Leader is currently on the Boards of Directors of The Israel Project, the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, the Endowment for Middle East Truth, is an advisor to Aish HaTorah, and is on the Board of Trustees of the Flint Hill School.”
So let’s see, the head of the whole outfit that has just brought 19 UN ambassadors to Israel to be lectured on how to vote in September on the issue of Palestinian statehood proclaims he is dedicated to “a strong and secure State of Israel”, funds Islamophobia, and works with more than one right-wing nut-case pro-Israel organization, but no, there’s no affiliation with any government now is there?
Oh, and TIP’s number one man in Israel is a former IDF hasbara agent who constantly advocates for Israel all over the globe.
How about the founder of TIP? That would be Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi.
“Mizrahi meets regularly with top Israeli leaders such as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, Ambassador Michael Oren, Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon and many others. She also works frequently with pro-Israel organizations including the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Jewish federations, Jewish community relations councils and Hillel organizations.”
This is also somewhat interesting.
“Mizrahi previously served as a foreign affairs legislative assistant to the U.S. Congress. She studied at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and has degrees in International Relations and Judaic Studies from Emory University. Her work earned her recognition as a “Point of Light” by President H. W. Bush. Mizrahi also has been honored with the Louis D. Brandeis Award by the Baltimore Zionist District. The Forward newspaper has twice listed Mizrahi in its “Forward 50″ most influential Jews in America. “
So many TIP staff and board members have such interesting bios. Please take some time out to read them and enjoy how unaffiliated all of them are with any government in anyway whatsoever even though they endlessly lobby for the Israeli government, often served in its military, and seem to have only one interest in the world, Israel.
But it gets even worse. Much worse. You see, TIP doesn’t just have its board members and key staff members, it also has an advisory board. That board also is completely unaffiliated with any government whatsoever. That’s right, no affiliation at all. None. Goys and girls, I present to you the names and faces of all of the members of TIP’s advisory board taken from TIP’s website.
Let’s see if you can recognize any of these people who have no government affiliation whatsoever.
These should be FBI wanted posters
There’s more. Here’s the next set:
Any of these assholes look familiar?
Oh, but there’s more. There’s always room for Zionism.
Note to Shas Party members, there is more to come, you can see we are only on the D’s right now.
Next group of people serving on TIP’s advisory board who have no government affiliation.
Why are they smiling?
And last but not least in love of Zionism:
I really like how the insane Allen West is now the advisory board. In fact, the advisory board has grown quite a lot in the past two years. When I wrote about TIP back in 2009 it only had 22 congressman and senators and now it has a total of 37. The Zionist Lobby is indeed a growth industry, but of course is unaffiliated with any government. I like how 15% of the US Senate is on TIP’s advisory board.
It’s bad enough that the Zionist Lobby controls the government, but it is even worse when members of the government are themselves actually part of that lobby.
Here is part of their donation page, so donate now, donate often, and donate a lot. It’s all tax-deductable.
Do you like the wording in the appeal above? Hope so, cause you are paying for it.
Oh, and if you ever need any information about why it is important that your sons and daughters die for Israel, go to their expert sources page. In fact, on behalf of all the tuyuur here at Mantiq al-Tayr, here is part of that page and if you click it you can go to that page and get real factual information that is not affiliated with any government. I mean, even the link that says “Israeli government spokespeople” only goes to sources that are not affiliated with any government. Seriously.
2. Here is the list of UN ambassadors that Knesset Member Steny Hoyer addressed today. It almost makes me feel sorry for the guy. Almost.
Albania: Ambassador Gilbert Galanxhi and Etleva Galanxhi
Barbados: Ambassador John E. Beale and Leila Mol Beale
Belize: Ambassador Nestor Enrique Mendez and Elvira Rosela Mendez
Benin: Ambassador Sagbe Cyrille Oguin and Hortense Dossa Oguin
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Miroslav Vujicic, Chief of the Cabinet of the BiH Presidency
Burkina Faso: Ambassador Paramanga Ernest Yonli
Dominica: Ambassador Hubert John Charles
Dominican Republic: Ambassador Anibal De Castro
Grenada: Ambassador Gillian Margaret Susan Bristol
Haiti: Ambassador Louis Harold Joseph
Liberia: Ambassador William Bull and Cecelia Zina Freeman Bull
Macedonia: Ambassador Zoran Jolevski and Suzana Jolevska
Mongolia: Ambassador Bekhbat Khasbazar
Montenegro: Ambassador Srdjan Darmanovic and Aneta Spaic
Slovakia: Ambassador Peter Burian and Nina Burianova
St. Lucia: Ambassador Michael Louis
Timor-Leste: Ambassador Constancio C. Pinto
Trinidad & Tobago: Ambassador Neil Parsan
Uganda: Ambassador Perezi Kamunanwire and Carolyn Hubbard-Kamunanwire
3. The American Israel Education Foundation (Tax ID 52-1623781) is the 501C3 wing of AIPAC and constantly sponsors trips by US senators and congressman to Israel with an annual budget of about 20 million dollars. Possibly even more important, though less in the news, it even more frequently sponsors trips to Israel by Congressional staffers. For a look at some of their recent activity go here and see if one of your reps has had staffers go recently. My count shows that at least 45 staffers have been flown out to Israel so far this year. It is the outfit sponsoring the Hoyer-led Democratic homage to Israel taking place this week and the larger Cantor-led Republican one that follows it.
The AIEF is also up to something else you should know about. Read this:
“Through AIEF, CLSFF funds the Schusterman Advocacy Institute High School Summit, bringing outstanding high school student leaders to Washington, D.C., for sophisticated Israel advocacy and political activism training. The High School Summit enables AIPAC to identify and mentor high school students from across the country who are considering academic, internship and career tracks in the arenas of politics, public policy, media and Israel advocacy.”
So they are taking American Jewish high school kids and teaching them to work for Israel. Yet another Zionist radicalization program taking place in the US done at taxpayers’ expense. The summit is actually run by AIPAC itself. This is from AIPAC’s own website advertising this year’s summit in Washington D.C. In fact, you should the whole page to which I’ve linked to see all of the radicalization programs AIPAC is running.
Schusterman Advocacy Institute High School Summit
November 6-9, 2011
Each year, AIPAC partners with select Jewish Day Schools, synagogues, national youth groups and teen leadership organizations to bring 400 student leaders from across the country to Washington, D.C. for Israel advocacy and political activism training. Through AIPAC’s Schusterman Advocacy Institute, AIPAC identifies and mentors high school students committed to strengthening the U.S.-Israel relationship through the American political process.