The Full Court Press on Iran: John Hagee, Franklin Graham, Press TV Bans, and the Hispan TV Affair

Mark Dankof in Washington, D. C. in November of 2011


“Time, numbers, and space are with the colored world, with the Muslim nationalists and against Israel.  What the colored world lacked has been unity and dynamism.  Well, Israel is contributing to the unification and activation of the colored world for war against the outsiders.  The white powers and the Israelis can never achieve ultimate and decisive force superiority over the colored world and the vast areas it populates.

     “However, the western world–if guided by operational rationalism and calculation instead of mystical legalism, moralism, and traditionalism–could easily formulate propositions with the colored world mutually advantageous to all concerned.  Only a return to [American] neutrality could ensure against our government fighting a third world war against overwhelming numerical odds.  The more natives Americans kill, the better for the interests of native nationalisms.  The pressure will be only on the American taxpayers and conscripts for the wars of perpetual intervention.”

Lawrence Dennis, American Nationalist, the 1950s

     The Full Court Press on Iran continues unabated.  The ongoing escalation in economic sanctions targeting Iranian oil, banking, and trade are accompanied by Zionist inspired terror within that country, using the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/PMOI/MKO), PJAK, and Jundallah in the carrying out of premeditated murder in Tehran, Iranian Azerbaijan, Diyala, Khuzestan, and Balochistan provinces.  The Washington Post concedes that there has been a five-fold “unexplained” increase in explosions in the last two years at Iranian nuclear sites and military installations, oil and gas facilities and pipelines, and electrical plants.  This is supplemented by American, British, and Israeli financial support for various activities of political insurrection against the IRI regime, American violations of Iranian airspace with drones, and the deployment of three United States aircraft carrier task forces and two Marine amphibious assault units near the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.  The winds of a totally immoral and unjustifiable war of aggression continue to blow with greater force and speed.

I have a reiteration of a prediction with my own subsequent addendum.  Lawrence Dennis, the great American Nationalist theoretician, is certainly correct in his assessment of the present crisis uttered over half a century ago.

Yes, this war will happen as Dennis predicted.  But it is also a war that will irrevocably destroy what little remains of the United States and the Western World from the immediate post-World War II configuration of powers and cultures.  The good news is that Israel will also collapse over time, along with Zionist fiat banking; fractional reserve banking; usury; Jewish cultural subversion of Christian and Islamic influence; and every other corresponding cancer of the New World Order.  Out of short-term tragedy will emerge an aftermath in this present world based upon hope and life once more, or the Eschaton itself.

Yet the chief beneficiaries and apologists for The Beast will not go down without a fight.  There are three (3) prime current examples of this manifesting their poison-for-pay agenda in the interest of igniting a Zionist inspired Holocaust in Iran.

The first example comes from the Rotund Reaper of Deception himself, John Hagee, whose Christians United for Israel sponsored a March 28 airing of the agitation-propaganda film Iranium at the University of Texas in San Antonio, a film about the alleged threat to the West posed by a weaponized Iranian nuclear program.  The claims of the film are a repudiation of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) on the subject produced by America’s 16 intelligence agencies, and what has emerged from the International Atomic Energy Agency as well.  One of the film’s chief spokespersons is Clair Lopez of the Central Intelligence Agency and the Iran Policy Committee (IPC), the chief PR arm of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK) in Washington.  Ms. Lopez, and IPC chief Dr. Raymond Tanter of Georgetown University, are key links in a spiderweb of American intelligence front organizations with symbiotic links to the Israeli Mossad and a Jewish-driven Neo-Conservative movement which has hijacked the American Right and much of the national security apparatus of the United States as well.

The second example has emerged this week, with the April 2012 Special Issue of Decision magazine, the flagship publication of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.  It is entitled “Radical Islam’s Global War on Christians.”

A number of observations about this issue and the organization that produced it are in order.  It is a matter of well buried but public record, that Billy Graham’s success for 60 years as America’s leading Christian Right evangelist is inextricably linked to his effective recruitment and deployment over the decades by the William Randolph Hearst media conglomerate, which in turn was effectively serving the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the emerging American corporate power structure during the Cold War and the anti-Communist crusade which accompanied it.  Billy Graham was the pivotal figure in the enlistment of millions of American Protestant Evangelicals in this endeavor for forces not understood by the faithful.  The outcome of this crusade was the end of the Soviet Union in 1989 as it had been previously constituted.  That achievement was laudable.

But the crowd enamored of Graham was never informed that Soviet Bolshevism and its exportation abroad were largely empowered by Jewish recruits and international financiers like Jacob Schiff and the House of Rothschild.  Concurrently, these American Protestant Evangelicals were never filled in by the Graham Empire or its Decision magazine of the disproportionate Jewish role in pursing a targeted strategy of destroying Christian culture in the United States via the abortion industry; the homosexual rights movement; the radical feminist movement; and the importation of Freud’s Vienna and the Frankfurt School for their subsequent infiltration of the highest echelons of American government, media, legal, and educational matrixes.  Why?

Clearly part of the answer is the influence of the Christian Zionist heresy fed by John Nelson Darby and the Scofield Reference Bible, and driven by Chicago businessman and Dispensationalist William E. Blackstone in the 19th and 20th centuries.  Additionally, Billy and Franklin Graham presumably understood the necessity of cooperation with the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9) as a prerequisite to their own survival and promotion in an America increasingly co-opted as the driving surrogate force for Globalism, International Central Banking, and the New World Order.  The success of this endgame necessitates carefully recruited front men in both secular and ecclesiastical realms.  Understood in this context, Billy and Franklin Graham and John Hagee are the religious flipside of Fox News and CNN, singing the same tune in total concert with the latter regarding the necessity for war.   Onward Christian Soldiers?

Analyzing the contents of Decision’s “Radical Islam’s Global War on Christians” reveals other unpleasant truths.  Decision cites Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy and ex-CIA chief R. James Woolsey as sources for its presentation.  Gaffney’s long standing membership as a friendly source for the Israeli Lobby and as part of a larger network in the Neo-Conservative constellation for World Zionism, is not mentioned.  Neither is the sordid role of R. James Woolsey in receiving thousands of dollars for his public role in attempting to have the Communist Mujahedeen-e-Khalq cult delisted from the list of Terrorist Organizations compiled by the State Department.

Franklin Graham apparently has no problem with complete Zionist cooperation with such an organization, infamous for its warped ideological synthesis of Communism and Islam, its murder of Americans in Pahlavi Iran several generations ago, its murder of Kurds at the behest of Saddam Hussein in the 1980s, its long history of terror and murder of Iranians since the Revolution of 1979, and the cultic leadership of Miryam and Massoud Rajavi in the brainwashing and terror applied to the organization’s own members when necessary.  Graham, like Rick Santorum and Company, apparently also approves of the premeditated murders of Iranian scientists in recent years, along with all of the other aforementioned acts of war directed at that country.  All in the name of  a loving Jesus, of course.

The Mossad and the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK/PMOI): Pals of Franklin Graham’s friends, including R. James Woolsey of the CIA.

Former CIA Station Chief Philip Giraldi of the Council for the National Interest, provides the context for understanding the nonsense promoted by Franklin Graham and Decision magazine in the former’s essay entitled, The Islamophobia Excuse.”  Christians might also enjoy comparing the Koran’s evaluation of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary with that proferred by the Jewish Talmud, or reading Tarif Khalidi’s The Muslim Jesus:  Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature.  Or asking why Christian Right sock puppets like Franklin Graham and John Hagee are siding with the enemies of Christianity in the American Culture Wars, even as the Islamic world stands against these trends in the United Nations being promoted and financed internationally by Hillary Clinton’s State Department in the world body.

And finally, someone needs to ask Franklin Graham what the Bible has to say about the reasons for the national Jewish disenfranchisement at the hands of Babylon (A. D. 586) and Rome (A. D. 70).  Why did the Jewish-inspired mob demand Pilate’s release of Barabbas, the Menachem Begin of his time (Matthew 27)?  Was it because that mob, working in conjunction with the Jewish Chief Priests, Scribes, and Pharisees of Jerusalem, wanted the death of a Messiah who had repudiated both Jewish racial supremacism and a kingdom based in this world and not the next?  If so, why affirm that ideology now in the 21st century as the chief foundational reason for the establishment of the modern Zionist State of Israel?  And risk the survivability of the United States in the process?  Franklin Graham and Decision magazine are stone cold silent.  This is one stone that will not be rolled away from the Tomb serving as the Repository of the Secrets of Subterranean Masters.

And given the ersatz American patriotism of John Hagee, Franklin Graham, and Company, why is their absolute silence on the nature of Jesus Christ’s teachings about the Kingdom of God in the New Testament accompanied by their identical AWOL status on Deir Yassin, the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate’s relationship to the Zionist State, the Lavon Affair, the Kennedy Assassination, the USS Liberty attack, and the laundry list of Israeli espionage operations against the United States since 1948 including the Pollard spy case and the PROMIS affair?  Will following the money trail provide the answers?

The third example of the Full Court Press on Iran does not involve promoting and financing Israel’s friends.  It has every thing to do with its logical counterpart: silencing Iran’s opportunity to make its own direct public case to the world, and to an American public presently at the mercy of Zionist Corporate Media.

Only a fool could fail to see the implications of the Ofcom case made against Press TV in the UK, or the more recent ban on that network in Germany courtesy of the Munich regulatory agency that ordered Press TV removed from SES Astra.  These bans will likely be accompanied in the future by regulatory actions againstHispan TV, the media outreach being developed by the national Iranian news agency for the airing of issues in South America.  Adam Housley of InterAmerican Security Watch sounds the Neo-Conservative alarm at such a prospect in Iran Moving in on Latin American Television Market.  The United States Congress joins in Mr. Housley’s chorus by adding the Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act” which will eventually pass both the House and Senate in some final version.  These alarms have nothing to do with the canards of “Anti-Semitism” and “Terrorism.”  They have everything to do with both North and South Americans having the chance to see patriotic and academically respectable Americans like Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, Dr. Philip Giraldi, Dr. Paul Sheldon Foote, Dr. E. Michael Jones, and Mark Glenn, making the case not simply for avoiding war with Iran, but providing an honest analysis of who and what has shoplifted the American political process, the economy, the media, and the culture.

The First Amendment and Jeffersonianism will triumph.  The descendants of Lawrence Dennis, like Michael Collins Piper, Mark Glenn, Mark Dankof, and E. Michael Jones will emerge victorious.

Benjamin Netanyahu, the domestic American Jewish Lobby, and their pit puppies in the American Establishment understand this.  If Press TV, Hispan TV, Russia Today, and other international media outlets capable of reaching American and European audiences from abroad ever succeed in facilitating the connection of the real dots in this Internet age on the part of masses of people in the Western world, these jokers are finished.  The game will be over.

But the Beast will not go out without a fight.  It will begin with a False Flag Incident which mirrors Fort Sumter or the Kuwaiti Baby Incubator Fraud of 1990.  And as Billy Graham’s handler, William Randolph Hearst once put it, “You give me the pictures, I’ll give you the war.”

Only this time, the Good Guys will win the war the Bad Guys begin.  And Franklin Graham will join John Hagee and Howard Phillips in being on oxygen.

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