NOVANEWSLate in the 1970’s the New Age Movement (sub movement of Freemasons) emerged from its closed circles and started propagating its ideology to the world. The New Age Movement is closely associated with the concept of a New World Order, which in fact is part of it. The movement and its doctrine by now has become so common that everybody considers it normal day to day business: the world as a Global Village. World Religions Conferences. Working towards establishing a World Government, towards uniting the world religiously, politically, economically, and socially.But is it all as innocent as it seems?The New Age Movement has its roots in ancient history, although the revival of New Age as we know it today, is anchored in 1860-1890, in the work of a Russian born Madame Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891). See also “The Ahmadiyya Movement: The British-Jewish Connection”, by Bashir Ahmad M.A.(Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, USA), chapter one. The crucial role of Helena Blavatsky can best be illustrated with the following quote:
Bejamin Creme writes:
Blavatsky asserted to receive revelations and commands directly from a Spiritual Master, with whom she had telepathic contact and offered herself as a medium to higher (demonic) powers that worked through her. She was used to present to the world a new presentation of the age-oldTheosophia “The accumulated Wisdom of the ages, tested and verified by generations of Seers…,” “that body of Truth of which religions are but as branches of the parent tree”. In The Secret Doctrine Blavatsky writes:
Let it be noted here, that this Madame Blavatsky traveled extensively. In the 1850s and 1870s she visited India repeatedly (also visited Kashmir) while undergoing her occult training and she established various contacts there.In 1875 Madame goes to New York and founds the Theosophic Society there, as an instrument to promulgate the ancient teachings of Theosophy, or the Wisdom concerning the Divine which had been the spiritual basis of other great movements of the past, such as Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, and the Mystery-Schools of the Classical world. The society insists that it is not offering a new system of thought but merely underscoring certain universal concepts of God, nature, and humanity that have been known to wise men in all ages and that may be found in the teachings of all the great religions. One of the society’s most controversial claims concerns the existence of a brotherhood of Great Masters, who, it is asserted, have perfected themselves and are directing the spiritual evolution of humanity. This is reflected in the New Age writings:
The major publications of Helena Blavatsky are Isis Unveiled in 1877 and the earlier mentioned The Secret Doctrine (1888).The time wasn’t considered ready yet to go public with this doctrine, and her Master instructed her that the doctrine must remain secret for 100 years, time during which only a close circle was to be informed and was to prepare everything:
New Age: a world wide movement to establish the New World Order:Shortly after 1975, a century after this whole preparation started, the New Age Movement started to go public. What is New Age? What is New Age? In “New Age Reforms”, Prof. J.S. Malan, University of the North, South Africa, writes:
The dominant unity syndrome of the New Age Movement is the motivating power behind various actions by a whole network of organisations that all endeavour to create a new, integrated social order on earth, lead by one world government, with one world monetary system.Various core, middle and front organisations are said to be active in promoting and establishing the New World Order of which this Maitreya will be declared the leader some time soon now.
These are establishing the New World Order of which this Maitreya will be declared the leader some time soon now.Freemasonic involvement shows that to some extend this Maitreya is actullyDajjal i.e the Anti-Christ.Other sources make a link with nazist ideologies (nazism = national socialism, where in this case the nation is the world). The Maitreya teachings mention the Holy Grail, which is what Hilter also based his religious legitimation on, although they add that their use of among others the Swastika is meant to restore it in its original meaning. Which illustrates how with their discours they present something occult as something good.Characteristic for this whole New Age Movement, is the New World Order, interfaith initiatives, etc. And one of the various symbols that are often used by such organisations is the broken cross.The New Age Movement also targets the media-, educational-, and recreational worlds. The new interest in cosmic conscience, astrology and paranormal phenomenae has reached the universities and many now recognise disciplines such as hollistic medicine. Hospitals also recognise “healers” who use “alternative” mystical psycho-techniques. Management seminars use techniques from the same pool: meditation, relaxation exercises, etc. The entertainment industry brings movies, videos and games and entertainment parks with concepts, personages and stories anchored in New Age thinking.In other words, our societies are being prepared to accept the concept of the New World Order:
Let us re-iterate here that this New Age Movement that is so widespread today, has its roots in the revival of ancient occult thoughts and the occult “revelations” of Helena Blavatsky, whose teachings were to remain secluded for a century. And indeed, a hundred years later, in the 1970s, the New Age Movement started going public. In 1977, the Maitreya Mission was founded and the Maitreya started writing down his revelations. He has been publishing them since 1982 and has been giving several lectures. He will be presented to the entire world as The Maitreya: the Messiah for the Jews, the Christ for the Christians, the Buddha for the Buddhists, the Imam Mahdi for the Muslims, the Krishna of the Hindus.Ahmadiyya remains quiet about the Maitreya. The Maitreya remains quiet about Ahmadiyya. And yet the Maitreya fishes in the same pond as Ahmadiyya – they are both after the same kind of spiritual and world leadership. They target the same public and focus on the same job. This mutual silence is quite remarkable, to say the least. Unless of course Ahmadiyya and the movement around Maitreya are the same or plan a future merger of their audiences?