The Day After Assad …by Former Deputy Defense Minister of Israel, currently at Israel Policy Forum


[[[[[[The end of the Assad government in Syria is near. Even if the precise date is unknown, the process is inevitable]]]]]]. Israel has refrained — and rightly so — from any involvement whatsoever in the Syrian civil war. [[[[[But the time has come for Israel to spell out to the next rulers of Syria the kind of relations it expects to have with them.]]]]]]Even though the identity and character of the new government is still undetermined, such an initiative on the part of Israel is an important one. In any case, the quiet and stability that have prevailed along the Syrian-Israeli border for the last 35 years can no longer be taken for grantedPractically speaking, agreements that were signed and committed to by Bashar’s father, Hafez Al-Assad, are no longer binding. [[[[[[[[Consequently, Israel should formulate an alternative that will be acceptable to Syria while safeguarding its own interests at the same time.Until the start of the civil war in Syria, many believed that an Israeli withdrawal and return of the Golan Heights to Syria was a legitimate price for peace. An Israeli-Syrian peace settlement was perceived as having certain strategic advantages, the most important one being a severing of relations between Syria and Iran.
But realities have changed.]]]]]] [[[[[[[[Today, even staunch supporters of the “Golan in exchange for peace” approach would not endorse the concession of a significant strategic asset to a country that is racked by internal instability and whose future is so unclear. It would be irresponsible on Israel’s part to return to the old formula in face of new developments]]]]], namely the presence of Salafi forces close to Israel’s border on the Golan Heights.What can Israel, therefore, offer to a post-Assad Syria?
[[[[[The Israeli offer should be centered on Syria’s basic needs, the first of which is rebuilding the country from ruin.]]]]][[[[[[ Israel can offer a non-belligerence agreement which would be valid for a decade or even two.]]]] [[[[[[An agreement of this kind would free Syria from the necessity of building a large, modern army and spending billions of dollars to equip and maintain it.]]]]]]
[ed note:they want no resistance factor ,for instance,recently… zionists said the following israhell admits syrian conflict is good because the strongest arab army neighboring it is breaking
down,see..   (Dr. Eitan Shamir: Let’s not forget that the Syrian army is slowly crumbling and disintegrating.The Syrian Army was the last military on Israel’s borders that possessed full armored and infantry divisions, artillery and an air force. Assuming that Egypt and Jordan maintain their peace agreements with Israel, this means that Israel has no direct threat from a conventional military on its borders)
A specific Israeli promise to refrain from attacking would enable Syria to postpone unnecessary military expenditures, and inherently force Syria to drop its rhetoric of regaining the Golan by force.
[ed notes:Syria under the Assads,had/s demanded israhell stop colonizing and dumping nuclear waste in golan heigths, General Assembly GA/SPD/523 FOURTH … – thenakedfacts General Assembly GA/EF/3350 ISRAELI ATTACKS T – thenakedfacts
israhell on other hand has no plans on handing it over,wants to illegally steal resources and the strategic 30% of water that flows from it, see FLASHBACK ISRAHELLI THINK TANK 2001 THE GOLAN HEIGHTS, SYRIA AND WATER by Yoram Ettinger
and for last year and a half argues that israhell shouldnt give back stolen golan see 
(Dr. Max Singer: In retrospect, one thing is very clear: Israel was wise not to deliver the Golan to Syria. Indeed, the case for keeping the Golan may grow even stronger as events unfold. It is becoming apparent that Syria is not a real country. Since its establishment, Syria ruled the Golan for only 22 years and it certainly is not entitled to receive it again now)
This last condition need not be made in writing, but Syria would have to commit, within the parameters of the new agreement, to upholding certain conditions which, if violated, would exempt Israel from its commitments too. 
They are:
Prevention of any direct or indirect assistance to Hezbollah in Lebanon
[ed notes:knwon israhelli goal…see   
Removal of non-regular forces (in effect, Salafi organizations and al-Qaeda supporters)away from Israel’s border to a significant distance that would be agreed upon
[ed notes:spin, these pose no threat and infact are helping israhell… mossad front debka says zio backed rebels destro – thenakedfacts
Maintaining the demilitarization agreements in the Golan Heights Keeping the UN forces in place on the Golan Heights and renewing their mandate
[ed notes:allows israhell tp continue to occupy,colonize and steal resources,while dumping nuclear waste..Assad blasts all these policies see above
Refraining from further acquisition or development of weapons of mass destruction
[ed notes:translation: no weapons that can specifically challenge our expansionist goals for region…
An offer of this nature will convey to the next government in Damascus a message of good will, and establish conditions of self-restraint. Israel can only benefit from initiating such a move.
The writer served as Deputy Defense Minister in the Israeli government. Today he is contributing fellow at Israel Policy Forum and chairman of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue at the Netanya Academic College
.[ed notes:they arent worried about any salafis or takfiri extremists at all,thats just spin by the zionists(see my next posts after this one)…now  also see.. PROVING ISRAHELL WANTS ASSAD GONE
How you can determine when IsraHell is against  Basher Al Assad… 

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