Last week the Zionist  Board of Deputies of British Jews (BOD) was desperate to expel me from a Marxist music festival. They obviously failed.   This week the BOD attempts to control the Palestinian Delegation’s web site. The JC reports today that the BOD has “clashed with the Foreign Office over the content of articles on the website of the Palestinian Mission in Britain.”

BOD’s President Vivian Wineman said that the Board was “pretty angry” that the Foreign Office had refused to take action over the mission’s promotion of work by Israeli-born ‘antisemite’ Gilad Atzmon. The BOD seems to have a problem, neither the Art Council not the Foreign Office seem to be convinced that I am indeed an ‘antisemite’….

It seems as if the BOD insists to control the content of the UK Palestinian Delegation’s  site. The website publishes news and information about the Palestinian Authority’s UK envoy Manuel Hassassian, as well as “academic links”. The site contains the Goldstone Report, material on supporting boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel, and links to articles written by myself including one which accuses Israel of organ trafficking and harvesting.

According to the JC, the Board complained to the Foreign Office last month and asked it to take action against the “clearly antisemitic articles and links” as well as ‘inaccurate’ and ‘misleading’ descriptions” of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I guess that the BOD would like to appoint an Hasbara agent to run the UK  Palestinian Authority’s  site.

Though the PA is not known for being resilient, a Palestinian mission spokeswoman told the JC “we are not convinced it’s a problem. We have not violated the law.”  The Palestinian spokeswoman should know by now that for the BOD there is no law. With 80% of our leading party being Conservative Friends Of Israel, the BOD has a good reason to believe that it runs Britain by now.


The Wandering Who-A Study of Zionist and AZZ tactics – available on

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