The Anti-Russian Lying Machine in Action

Global Research

It never rests, now in high gear following Russia’s announced aerial campaign against ISIS in Syria, beginning on September 30.
For the first time since WW II, Russian and US warplanes are bombing the same country – each for entirely different reasons.
Moscow’s campaign aims to defeat ISIS, eliminate its scourge. Washington actively supports it, striking Syrian targets exclusively, duplicitously claiming otherwise.
The US State and Defense Departments’ lying machine has sprung into action, criticizing Moscow instead of praising its efforts, vital against terrorists ravaging Syria.
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter claimed Russian airstrikes are tantamount to “pouring gasoline on the fire.”
“By supporting Assad and seemingly taking on everyone who is fighting Assad, you’re taking on the whole rest of the country of Syria,” he blustered.

That is not our position. At least some parts of the anti-Assad opposition belong in the political transition going forward. That’s why the Russian approach is doomed to fail.

Carter and other administration officials fear it may succeed, undermining Washington’s imperial strategy, a long overdue initiative.
John Kerry suggested Russia isn’t fighting ISIS, instead targeting non-existent moderate rebels. Despite Moscow’s request to clear Syrian airspace to avoid any accidental aerial engagements between US and Russian aircraft, Kerry said so-called “coalition” strikes will continue.
America’s declared war on ISIS is a complete fabrication. Russia’s is the real thing – why Obama administration officials are so alarmed about its justifiable intervention, supporting a regional ally in need, complying fully with international law.
A statement from the “Presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic” said “the sending of Russian air forces was carried out upon a request of the Syrian state conveyed via a letter sent by President Bashar al-Assad to President Vladimir Putin.”
He got unanimous upper house Federation Council authorization to deploy Russian forces abroad and conduct aerial operations in Syria – in full compliance with international law.
During a Wednesday Security Council session on countering terrorism, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem pointedly said

“(t)he UN charter has authorized Security Council the first responsibility for protecting international peace and Security, yet, what has the council done to combat terrorism in Syria and Iraq.”

It’s done nothing to challenge Washington’s war machine with complicit EU and regional partners. It’s financing and arming ISIS as well as other takfiri terrorists, used to “perpetrate the ugliest crimes in Syria and Iraq,” Moallem stressed.
“Those who want to combat terrorism on the Syrian territories should cooperate and coordinate with the Syrian government whose army carries on the war against terrorism and assumes its national duty in defending the Syrian people,” he added.
Sergey Lavrov told reporters: “Do not listen to the Pentagon (propaganda) about Russian (air) strikes. Ask the Russian Defense Ministry.” Full information was made public.
Moscow stepped up to the plate and acted, countering US-sponsored aggression, actively supported by Israel, Britain, France, Canada and Australia, along with Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, other Gulf states and Jordan.
Moallem thanked Vladimir Putin for providing vitally needed help. Whether it’s enough to be a game-changer remains to be seen.
It’s only day two of operations. On day one, Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said: “Today, Russian aerospace force jets delivered pinpoint strikes on eight ISIS terror group targets in Syria. In total, 20 flights were made.”

As a result, arms and fuel depots and military equipment were hit. ISIS coordination centers in the mountains were totally destroyed. Russian jets did not use weapons on civilian infrastructure or in its vicinity.

Strikes followed air surveillance intelligence enabling Russia’s Defense Ministry to choose targets for successfully conducted pinpoint strikes. Areas around Homs and Hama were hit.
Russia’s Defense Ministry categorically denied accusations of causing civilian casualties – fabricated to vilify Moscow’s legitimate attacks on ISIS targets.
Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said “(i)t’s all an information attack, a war, of which we’ve heard so many times” before.
She expressed surprise about the scale and speed of social media “info injections,” including fake “photos of alleged victims.”

We all know perfectly well how such pictures are made,” she said. Billionaire George Soros is  notoriously anti-Russian. His White Helmets group claims phony humanitarian credentials.
It’s an instrument for imperial propaganda – its elements caught red-handed fabricating so-called evidence of Russia’s “disastrous” involvement in Syria.
Its photo of a bleeding girl posted on Twitter was propaganda misinformation – along with saying “Russia strike in Homs today. 33 civilians killed including 3 children and 1 @SyriaCivilDef volunteer.

False!! It never happened. The girl shown was wounded on September 25 – five days before Russia’s air campaign began. No evidence of civilian casualties exists.
The phony Twitter posting appeared hours before Wednesday’s bombing began – reminiscent of the BBC reporting on World Trade Center building 7 collapsing on 9/11 30 minutes before it happened.
The White Helmets (formerly called the Syria Civil Defense) was externally created – serving imperial and monied interests, not the Syrian people as claimed.
It actively backs takfiri terrorist groups, committing horrific atrocities where they’re deployed – part of America’s war OF terror on humanity, a scourge vital to challenge.
The Western media lying machine is in high gear, speaking with one voice, irresponsibly bashing Russia’s campaign to defeat ISIS in Syria – perhaps next in Iraq if its government requests badly needed help.
A typical New York Times propaganda piece headlined “Russians Strike Targets in Syria, but Not ISIS.” The source: US officials, notorious liars.
Other Western media repeated the same Big Lie. The Washington Post called Russia’s campaign “an unpredictable new element…a dramatic escalation of Russia’s military involvement…an affront” to Obama…”sharply increas(ing) tensions…US official dispute Moscow’s claim” about targeting ISIS – despite no evidence disputing Russia’s Defense Ministry account of yesterday’s actions.
The Wall Street Journal headlined “Russian Airstrikes in Syria Targeted CIA-Backed Rebels, US Officials Say.” So-called “rebels” are ISIS and other takfiri terrorists.
No moderate elements exist, at least not enough to matter. US Central Command General Lloyd Austin admitted a $500 million Pentagon program trained only “four or five” so-called “rebels.”
Other US-trained Division 30 fighters reportedly handed their weapons and equipment to al-Nusra terrorists immediately on entering Syria.
Other Western Media Russia bashing included the Chicago Tribune headlining

“US warns Russia against striking non-Islamic State groups in Syria.”

The Los Angeles Times headlined

“Russia launches airstrikes in Syria amid US concern about targets.”

The UK government’s owned and operated BBC asked whether Russia is “trying to destroy IS or…prop up President Assad? Falsely claiming Wednesday targets struck had “no (IS) presence.”
London’s Guardian highlighted Pentagon propaganda, accusing Russia of

“throwing gasoline on the fire…(a strategy) doomed to failure.”

CNN asked

“(w)hat are Russia’s intentions. US questions whether Russia is trying to hit ISIS.”

Fox News headlined

“CIA-backed rebels, civilians reportedly targeted by Russian airstrikes in Syria.”

Western media reports on all major domestic and geopolitical issues feature all rubbish all the time – an insult to news consumers wanting real information, not state-sponsored propaganda.
Moscow’s involvement in Syria represents the first serious challenge to Washington’s regional hegemonic agenda.
Anti-Russian propaganda doesn’t change facts on the ground. ISIS now faces a formidable adversary. So do lunatics in Washington.

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