By: Mark Glenn
How much longer can the cartoonish Hitler-bashing in the media continue to be taken seriously? How ridiculous does it have to get before the spell wears off, and the people realize that it is the media itself, and the Jews that run it, that are our real enemies, rather than the historical “Nazis” that they love to attack so much?
As Carolyn Yeager pointed out in a recent podcast, the British newspaper The Daily Mail publishes at least one article bashing Hitler every week. These articles are revealing, as when looked at with a critical eye, they have almost no substance whatsoever. Following a set format, they either take an otherwise innocuous story and pepper it with emotionally-charged language, or make outrageous and impossible allegations, without even attempting to back them up with facts.
On August 12th they ran a piece called “How to become the perfect Nazi bride: The sinister regulations for women to learn to breed, cook, sew, iron – and worship Hitler.” The only thing sinister about the content of this article is the journalist’s interpretation of it. He gives the opinion, for instance, that the Nazis regarded women as nothing more than ‘breeding machines,’ and then backs up this opinion with quotes from Nazi officials that say German mothers are ‘divine’ and the ‘spiritual caregivers and queens of our people.’
Do you see the discrepancy here?:
The documents show that the Nazis regarded women, above all else, as breeding machines and ‘sustainers of the race’, in the language of the schools.
Scholtz-Klink praised motherhood under the Nazis as ‘divine’ and in a speech to senior party leaders in 1935 ranted: ‘You need us, you depend on us.
‘We are into something good, we participate in the resurrection way of our people. Women must be the spiritual caregivers and the secret queens of our people, called upon by fate for this special task!’
With the sensational rhetoric about ‘henchmen’ and ‘death camps’ and the invocation of Jesus Christ in the following passage aside, what is essentially being said here is that coaching the would-be wives of a country’s leaders how to be well-mannered and family-orientated is somehow ‘sinister’:
A sinister set of rules for would-be wives of Nazis in the Third Reich has been discovered three quarters of a century later.
Several ‘bride schools’ were set up with the aim of providing the perfect partners for Adolf Hitler’s henchmen.
Regulations dictated that young women would be taught ‘washing, cooking, childcare and home design’ before they could walk up the aisle with the men who would staff death camps and rule conquered lands with an iron fist.
They were also instructed in social niceties – such as how to hold conversations at cocktail parties – and how to bring up their children worshipping not God or Jesus Christ, but Hitler.
Of course the writers of these articles know that most of their readers already have the preconceived notion that Hitler and the NSDAP were the embodiment of pure evil, so they can pretty much label anything even remotely related to them as ‘sinister’ – Sinister Nazi garbage cans, sinister Nazi shopping carts, or even sinister Nazi children’s toys, as is the claim made in a piece ran on August 15th:
Forget Furbys and Cabbage Patch dolls, for the children of Nazi Germany sinister toy soldiers depicting Hitler and his henchmen were top of their wish lists during World War Two.
Miniature figurines of the evil German dictator, complete with an adjustable right arm to allow youngsters to mimic a Nazi salute, were among the sought-after toys used to brainwash children in the Third Reich.
Again, there is absolutely zero substance here. The toys are just presumed evil because they are associated with the Third Reich. It’s not like they depict hook-nosed rabbis or shrunken heads and human soap, they are simply figurines that reflect the national culture of that time period.

The first article gives us a more explicit list of the aims of the bride schools as follows:
The bridal candidates of the S.S. marriage academy had to swear certain things, including:
- Loyalty to Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Nazi Party superiors ‘unto death.’
- To marry in neo-pagan ceremonies before a party functionary and an altar bedecked with S.S. runes and oak-leaves instead of in a church before a Christian cleric.
- Pledge to remain at all times ‘Sustainers of the Germanic Race.’
- Promise to ‘become proficient in cooking and housekeeping, sewing, washing and ironing; childcare, nursing and home design.’
- Declare that any and all children born in marriage ‘will be raised in accordance with the ideals of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.’
Notice that the author never explains why any of this is a bad thing. He just calls it ‘sinister.’
Whether or not there really is anything sinister about this is ultimately subjective. I, on the one hand, fail to see anything wrong with a women learning how to raise a strong family and be a good mother. If you are a Marxist, on the other hand, then you will most likely have an aversion to this kind of thing. That is, if you are a radical feminist, a sexual pervert, or a subversive Jew, the traditional family structure of your host nation is your natural enemy.
The stronger the family unit of the middle class of a nation, the more difficult it is for these types to flourish. This is why Jews and other deviant types are often consciously and actively engaged in attacking and weakening the core family structure. This hostility towards the family has it’s roots in Marxism, where it is officially codified and encouraged with shocking candidness.
‘The Communist Manifesto,’ which is the primary doctrine of Marxism, has this to say:
Abolition of the family! Even the most radical flare up at this infamous proposal of the Communists.
On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie. But this state of things finds its complement in the practical absence of the family among the proletarians, and in public prostitution.
The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.
The majority of people would not agree that deliberately destroying the family unit is a good thing, yet this is what is done to us openly by the Marxists. 50% of all marriages now end in divorce, and you’d be hard-pressed to find a mainstream article explaining why this is, considering the Marxist (liberal) dominated media itself is primarily responsible for it. Take, for example, the popular Hollywood TV show Sex and the City, which flagrantly pushes the idea that a woman is more ‘independent’if she spends her adult life sleeping around instead of raising a family.
World War II was essentially a war between the two ideologies: Marxism and Nationalism. The United States, unbeknownst to the masses, fought on the side of Marxism, an ideology that overtly attacks and denigrates the nuclear family, in order to elevate the dregs of society above it. As things stand now, in a world where the forces of Marxism have triumphed over those of Nationalism, simply stating that it is healthy for a woman to act like a woman is considered ‘politically incorrect’ and unacceptable, while wearing ass chaps and waving a dildo around in front of children in a ‘Gay Pride’ parade is not.
All 10 planks contained in the ‘Communist Manifesto‘ have basically been fulfilled in present-day America and most other ‘democratic’ nations. Included in these 10 planks is the abolition of private property, a graduated income tax and centralized banking.
Contrast the planks of the manifesto with the 25 points of National Socialism, which advocated the people’s right to self-determination, debt-free currency, strict immigration laws, generous social benefits for the elderly, an honest press run by devoted nationalists and suppression of destructive and degenerate art. None of this is present in modern American society.
The most recent Daily Mail Hitler-hit-piece is a personal favorite. If this doesn’t make people doubt the validity of some of the claims made about Hitler, then I don’t know what will. It is titled “Hitler the drug addict: How he used a cocktail of drugs including cocaine to make him a ‘Nazi superman,’ and it makes The Onion seem like a serious news outlet.
According to this one short article Hitler was:
- A drug-abusing hypochondriac with deformed genitals who regularly consumed a cocktail of amphetamines, bull semen, rat poison and morphine when he sent millions of innocent people to their death
- A feeble, trembling figure, egomaniac, sadistic mass murderer, manic depressive and amphetamine addict with bipolar disorder, chronic eczema, persistent stomach cramps and appalling flatulence
- A user of powdered cocaine to ‘clear his sinuses and soothe his throat’ and user of eye-drops infused with cocaine
- Frequently injected with extracts from the prostate glands or ground testicles of young bulls to boost his libido so he could keep up with his much-younger lover
- A hyperactive gambler
- Lazy
I’m serious. Go read it for yourself.
Maybe this is why nobody finds it strange when they come out with a movie about Nazi zombies or Space Nazis on the dark side of the moon – the official story that we are expected to believe is already pretty much science fiction. Human soap, lampshades, shrunken heads, incredible pedal-driven brain-bashing machines and drug-addled Hitlers with mutilated testicles are only a small step away from “Nazis at the Center of the Earth.”
People can deny certain truths, but what they can’t deny is the reality right in front of their eyes. If it were our word alone against the big lies that people have been indoctrinated with all of their lives by emotionally driven, vindictive propaganda like the examples given above, it would almost certainly be a losing battle. But pointing out statistics, such as that 50% of all American marriages now end in divorce, and comparing it to the stated plans of the communists, may jog some minds. You can then show them the article where learning how to be a good wife and mother is referred to as ‘sinister’ – and then have them watch an episode of Sex and the City or Californication. See if they can figure out why this type of degenerative filth is allowed in our societies.
If they still wish to believe that Hitler was the most evil man that ever lived, then maybe you can show them the article about him being a drug-abusing hypochondriac with deformed genitals, so they can see the kind of lies they are defending while taking that position.
Make sure you remind them that Hollywood and every other form of mass media and entertainment is owned and operated from top to bottom by Jews, too.