Testimonies of Palestinian children tortured in Nazi Camp


Testimonies of Palestinian children tortured in I$rahell jails collected by Defence for Children International-Palestine Section

Samer, born in 1997, from Salfit District:

“After the soldiers shackled me, I walked with them several kilometers until we were near the school. They took me to the back of the school and a soldier started insulting me, telling me ‘Fuck you, you asshole.’ Then more soldiers came, and they made me stand next to the wall. They started taking pictures of me alone, then they joined and started taking pictures of themselves with me. There was one particular soldier who was very tall that took the most pictures with me; he later brought a large dog to attack and scare me.

“Later, they sat me in front of a desk, and the investigator tied my hands and feet while I was sitting on a very low chair. After he finished shackling me he slapped my face very hard and said: ‘Speak. Confess.’ I asked him, ‘What do you want me to confess?’ He replied: ‘You know what you did.’ The investigator didn’t tell me what I was being charged for and wanted me to confess to things I didn’t know I did.

“In the late hours of the night and after the investigation, they moved me to a cell and did not offer me any food, even though I had been arrested since 5 AM. The last time I had eaten was almost 24 hours before. The following morning I asked them again for food, but they still refused. At noon, the prison warden came and took me to be investigated again. I told the investigator that I was extremely hungry and that I wanted food, even if it was just a bit. He told me: “Confess, and I will give you food immediately. If you don’t confess, I won’t care if you die of hunger.’”

Hamed, born in 1996, fromHebron District:

“We were having dinner at home, and that same night it started snowing and we were so happy. I was standing by the window looking at the snow, when suddenly I heard a noise outside. I felt that there was someone trying to forcefully enter through the door. I got scared and went to the back of the room. I told my brothers that there were thieves trying to enter our house. We quickly climbed to the roof without knowing who was outside the door, and started screaming very loudly. Suddenly we were surrounded by bright light and we could see automatic weapons directed at us. We realized that the people who we thought were thieves were speaking Hebrew, and realized that they were Israeli soldiers.”

Shadi, born in 1997, fromNablus District:

“The soldiers entered our house at 3 AM. They had painted their faces black, and three of them were masked; they looked terrifying. While in detention, the soldier asked me to take off my shoes. I told him I couldn’t do it since my hands and feet were shackled. The soldier then shouted and cursed at me: ‘You son of a bitch!’, and he started hitting me repeatedly. He then removed the belt from my pants and started cutting it while laughing. He told me he was cutting the belt so that I wouldn’t be able to kill myself. He was saying it while laughing.”

Mo’taz, born in 1997, from Nablus District:

“I was sitting in a painful position. They tied my hands behind my back and they made me bend down until my head touched my knees. I remained in that position for more than an hour. As I sat there, a soldier approached me; I couldn’t see his face because my eyes were blindfolded. He asked me about my health and if I had any specific illnesses, and after he was done with the medical questions he said ‘Fuck you!’ At dawn, a soldier entered my cell and inspected me while I was standing naked. I begged them to let me use the bathroom, but they refused. At that moment, my body started shivering uncontrollably from the extreme cold, and I started becoming more and more dizzy, until I vomited. After a few hours, they took me to the interrogation center in Petah Tikva. When I arrived they took me to a medical clinic where a doctor was preparing to examine me. While waiting for the doctor, the warden whispered in my ear: ‘This doctor likes to fuck little boys.’”

Ayman, born in 1996, from Jenin District:

“At 1:30 AM, I, along with my five family members, were fast asleep. I woke up from a loud banging on the door. I was really scared, then the banging stopped and everything was calm. Suddenly a sound bomb detonated and shook the entire house.

“They covered my eyes with tape and I could no longer see, then they took me inside a bus and sat me on the metal floor. The bus was filled with soldiers and dogs. I am really scared of dogs. They let the dogs sit around me and jump on me.

“When they ordered me to get off the bus, none of the soldiers guided me; my eyes were covered and I couldn’t see anything. I fell on the floor from the top step of the bus and got bruises all over my body. A soldier aggressively pulled me up from the floor and said ‘Fuck you.‘ He then took me and made me sit in a metal container. A person came and asked me if I had any diseases, and after he left, the soldier approached me and screamed at me: ‘Fucking Arab.’ He hit me hard on my face and then grabbed my head and started smashing it against the metal container. This happened three times in two hours.”

Ahmad, born in 1996, from Jenin District:

“It was exactly 3 AM. I thought my father was joking when he woke me up and told me that the soldiers were surrounding our house and asking for me. I got up and saw that the soldiers were in the house, pointing their guns at my family members. One of the soldiers had his gun pointed at my little sister, Yara, who was 7 years old at the time. Yara was shaking from fear. In the army’s jeeps a soldier was telling me: ‘I want to fuck your whore sister”. They wanted me to confess, but didn’t tell me what I was being charged for.

“In the metal container, the soldier was hitting me on my neck with his army boots while telling me ‘You’re a son of a bitch, your mother is a whore and your sister is a whore.’ Shortly after, I heard the same soldier speaking on the phone; he was speaking to some girl and I understood from the conversation that he was speaking about me. He then started to hit me so the girl can hear me scream on the phone. He was laughing. Then I understood that she had asked him to take a photo of me, so he started taking pictures of me with his cell phone.”

Naseem, born in 1997, from Jenin District:

“I was isolated in my cell for 13 consecutive days. A small cell, filthy, foul-smelling…the walls were grey and rough, very cold, and lit very brightly all day long. After 13 days of isolation they told me my investigation was over and that they were going to be moving me to the Jalamah prison. I entered a very clean and spacious room that had a window which allowed air in. I found a man there called Abu Ahmad who brought me food that seemed home-cooked: hot rice with beans and meat, and fruits and a coke. He told me, ‘You are now in prison, and me and Abu el-Abed will help you with anything you need.’ After I finished eating he gave me soap and shampoo and told me to take a shower and to rest. I slept for many hours. The following day Abu el-Abed came and asked me a lot of questions and recorded my answers. Three days after that, they took me back to the investigation again. During the investigation I saw papers with my answers on them in the investigator’s hands. Only then did I understand that I was sitting in front of undercover agents.”

Nader, born in 1997, from Salfit District:

“The interrogator asked me where I was on 14 March 2013. I remembered that I was in the school yard, but he told me I was lying. He told me he was going to bring me photos that proved that I was throwing stones, but he never showed me any photos. That day I had gone to school in the morning and returned to have lunch at home. Then I sat with Ali, my cousin, until the afternoon prayer and then went to the school yard to play football. After I was done playing, I returned home. When I told this to the investigator, he stopped me and started yelling at me, telling me I was a liar and that I was not confessing to throwing stones, and that he was going to bring my mother and torture her in front of me. I told him I didn’t have anything to confess to, and he screamed again in my face, ‘What, you don’t have honor? You don’t care about your mother?’”

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