“Tensions on the Temple Mount lead to unrest in the streets of East Jerusalem, not the other way around,” writes Jerusalem-based archeologist and activist Yonathan Mizrachi.
Following the attempted assassination of right-wing Jewish activist Yehuda Glick last week, many have been conned into thinking about the conflict over the site as one of Jewish civil rights, a framing Larry Derfner describes as a fraud.
Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders have been acting irresponsibly and could do much more to lower tensions, Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man writes, especially Abbas, who dangerously described Israeli restrictions on worshipers as a “declaration of war.”
And yet Israelis continue to talk about a united Jerusalem, even opposing the division of its East and West as part of a peace deal. Could Israeli perceptions be more disconnected from reality, Mairav Zonszein asks.