Ten ordinary days under Nazi occupation in Palestine


Ten ordinary days under occupation in Palestine

Palestinians wait to cross an Israeli army checkpoint on July 3, 2016 at a road next to the Palestinian town of al-Fawwar south of al-Khalil (Hebron) in the occupied West Bank, as Israeli soldiers stand guard.

The Kushner so-called peace plan prioritizes security for Israel – but the real at-risk population is the Palestinians.
Below are some of the (clickable) headlines from Palestine that the mainstream media missed over the past ten days: settler violence against Palestinians, home demolitions, evictions, abductions, land confiscation, shootings with injuries…the list goes on. 

For a summary of the “peace plan” (aka Deal of the Century) go here.


Week of 16-22 Jan: Israeli forces committed 183 violations of int’l law


Israeli Settlers Torch Classroom in the South of Nablus

Illegal Israeli Colonists Burn A Mosque In Jerusalem

Israeli Soldiers Invade Palestinian School West of Ramallah

Illegal Settlers Hurl Stones and Glass at Palestinian Homes in Hebron

Israel Opens Dams, Floods Agricultural Land in Gaza

Israel Gives Demolition Notices for Ten More Palestinian Wells in Salfit

Israeli Forces Destroy Palestinian Water Well

Army Issues Orders For The Demolition Of 18 Homes In Hebron

Israel Orders The Demolition Of Four Homes In Jerusalem

Army Confiscates Palestinian Lands In Nablus

Report: Area C Building Permits Allowed for 1% of West Bank Palestinians

Israel Steals Land, Erects Nature Reserves & Nat’l Parks to Expand Settlements

Israeli Court Orders Palestinians: Turn Over Jerusalem Bldg to Israeli Settlers

Israel Evicts Seven Jerusalem Families From Their Homes

Israeli Court Evicts Palestinians From Home in Silwan, Settlers Move In

Israel To Demolish Four Under-Construction Palestinian Homes Near Jenin

Israel Accused of Flooding Khan Younis


Israeli Army Abducts Seventeen Palestinians In West Bank

Soldiers Abduct Two Palestinians, Confiscate Agri Equipment, Uproot Olive Trees

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Journalist Near Hebron

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Thirteen Palestinians In Jerusalem

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Three Palestinians In Tubas and Hebron

Army Abducts Two Palestinians, Including A Journalist, In Nablus

PPS: “Israeli Soldiers Abduct fifteen Palestinians In West Bank”

Israeli Army Abducts Eleven Palestinians In West Bank

Army Abducts Four Palestinians Near Qalqilia

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Woman In Jerusalem

Israeli Soldiers Kill Three Palestinians In Gaza

Palestinian Farmer Killed, Another Injured, In Explosions In Southern Gaza

Two Palestinian Youth Shot by Israeli Forces North of Hebron

Israeli Soldiers Assault Palestinian Child Hours After His Release From Prison

Israeli Court Doubles Prison Sentence Of Detained Palestinian Teen

Israeli Army Fires Missiles Into Southern Gaza

Israeli Air Force Fires Missiles Into Khan Younis

Human Rights Commission Calls Killing of Three Palestinian Teens a War Crime

Israeli Soldiers Injure Three In Kufur Qaddoum

Israeli Soldiers Injure Two Palestinians, Attack Worshipers, In Al-Aqsa Mosque


Israeli Military Seals Main West Bank Junction

Israeli Defense Minster Restricts Palestinian Peace Activism

Israeli Authorities Ban the Imam of the Al-Aqsa Mosque for Four Months

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