Ten Methods for Deportation 'Israel' Has Created

One it has reserved for labor migrants and African refugees – and all the rest are for the native Palestinians.

Amira Hass 

Protests against the deportation of Filipino children in front of the prime minister's residence, Jerusalem, June 11, 2019.
Protests against the deportation of Filipino children in front of the prime minister’s residence, Jerusalem, June 11, 2019.Olivier Fitoussi


Happy are the Filipinas whose risk of deportation from Israel has awakened Israelis with consciences, who understand that dry regulations and laws are not the only guide to a worthy life. Happy are the small Filipinos born in Israel, whose Israeli friends are immune from the brainwashing of a “state for Jews only,” and are demonstrating and interviewed against the deportation.

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Israel has created ten methods of deportation. One of them it has reserved for labor migrants and African refugees fleeing war and famine, while the rest have been assigned to the native Palestinians – children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of people who were born here. Most of the Israeli public views these methods as justified and supports – even if only by remaining silent – their continued implementation. We, the minority, scream against it inside a bell jar.

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There is the expulsion of people and chasing them out of the country, there is the forced displacement from homes and villages to enclaves of Area A, there is expulsion to the Gaza Strip and turning it into a penal colony, expulsion from Jerusalem to the West Bank and from agricultural land that provided a living for the family for hundreds of years.

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