Entertainment News: Tea, A Would-be Witch And Mel Gibson.modernityblog | 16/10/2010
I suppose we shouldn’t laugh, but the idea of starting a political advert saying “I’m not a Witch…” is only something that a Tea Partyer could do.
This is Christine O’Donnell’s advert, and I dare you not to smile:
And below another clip from 1999 where she admits to being a Witch:
Ms. O’Donnell makes Dan Quayle look like a erudite scholar by comparison, and here’s a reminder of his abilities:
More humour from the States, apparently Mel Gibson’s one-time partner, Oksana Grigorieva, is hiring a lot of lawyers, some 39.
Ms. Grigorieva will need them, having put up with Gibson’s rants, assaults and his racism she’ll need all the help she can get.
I have a feeling that Mel might be up for Tea Party membership shortly