Targeting Pakistan on Human Rights Violations in Sri Lnka


By Sajjad Shaukat

The civilized Western World has always shown double standard of human rights in the modern

era of open diplomacy, economic development and maintenance of fundamental rights of various

peoples. But, it is regrettable that major powers like the US and some European countries have

continuously been acting upon duplicity regarding human rights violations. In this regard, their

silence over the massacre of the Rohingya Muslim community at the hands of the Rakhine

extremist Buddhists in Burma (present Myanmar), perpetual bloodshed of Kashmiris in the

Indian occupied Kashmir and unending genocide of several Palestinians in Gaza might be cited

as example. In these cases, US-led Western World which was overtly or covertly supporting the

state terrorism of Myanmar’s military junta, Indian and Israeli regimes was strongly condemned

by the Islamic Word’s intellectuals. In wake of Muslim tragedy, it was also exposed that world’s

apex body, the UNO has also been following double standard of human rights, and has become

instrument of America and its allies at the cost of the Muslim World.

Especially, the US has been protecting its selfish interests including those of India and Israel

by using the UNO against the Islamic countries like Iran, and Pakistan because the latter is

also the lonely nuclear country in the Islamic World. Hence, they want to destabilize Pakistan

by supporting the militants’ outfits which continues subversive attacks in Balochistan, Khyber

Pakhtunkhwa, Karachi and other parts of the country.

Besides, foreign-backed NGOs and human rights groups leave no stone unturned in distorting

the image of Pakistan in relation to human rights violations. In this context, while speaking in

the tone of external elements—since the supreme court has been taking notice of various cases,

without grasping realities, Pakistan’s internal entities have manipulated every issue and case like

the Memogate case, missing persons of Balochistan, law and order situation in Karachi, military

operation in North Waziristan, incident of Malala Yousafzai etc., to tarnish country’s image.

Let us take the example of the missing persons. Everyone knows that majority of the disappeared

persons have been killed in bomb blasts, target killings, ethnic and sectarian violence in various

places of Pakistan, arranged by the foreign-assisted militant outfits, particularly TTP. In case

of Balochistan, Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and other similar insurgent groups which

have been fighting for secession of the province gets logistic support from anti-Pakistan secret

agencies. These terrorists abducted and killed many innocent people and the security personnel

in the province, while claiming responsibility. And since 2001, a majority of Pakistanis also left

for Afghanistan for Jehad purposes, while many people joined the Jahadi groups in Pakistan.

As regards Pakistan’s internal entities, some persons are on the parole of foreign secret agencies,

while some have pro-American or western tilt, as they want to get international fame by

distorting the image of Pakistan. In other worlds, they malign their own county by fulfilling the

nefarious agenda of anti-Pakistan countries intentionally or unintentionally.

In this connection, in one way or the other, Asma Jahangir, the famous human rights activist

has always indicated her old stereotype-prejudices against Pakistan and its security forces by

following the blame game of US-led India and some western countries in relation to any major

issue or case of human rights abuses. For the purpose, she had also manipulated the cases

of missing persons, especially those of Balochistan. In fact, Asma can create some hostile

justification for the sake of hostility by maligning Pak Army, superior intelligence agency, ISI

because in this way, she can not only get good media coverage in abroad , but can also please her

external masters.

Recent nomination of Asma Jahangir as an expert to investigate human rights violations/abuses

committed by the government forces in Sri Lanka during the last phase of war against Liberation

of Tamil Elam (LTTE) may cause psychological embarrassment and emotional exasperation for

Pakistan, as Sri Lanka is a friendly country. Asma is known for her arrogance, self importance

and bluntness as a lawyer, human rights activist and high profile international investigator. She

is the former President of Pakistan Bar Council and has especially been selected by UN along

with two other eminent international experts. Her nomination is quite controversial in Sri Lanka,

as very few Sri Lankan politicians who wanted UN to interfere in Sri Lanka’s internal affairs to

topple the sitting government of the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), supported her

case. Sri Lankan political leaders believe that this is the only way in toppling the government and

a way forward to regime change.

In her recent interview with BBC, published by Sri Lankan print media, while warning the Sri

Lankan government of dire consequences, Asma Jahangir arrogantly asserted, if they tried to

stop people from contacting the UN investigating team—any attempt to prevent people from

testifying would be detrimental for the Sri Lankan Govt.

No doubt, such aggressive statements by a Pakistani national certainly lead to creation of

diplomatic irritants between the two governments. Asma’s forewarning was not very well taken

by Sri Lankans, as most of them perceive that a Pakistani national in UN investigation team will

only come for their rescue.

People of Sri Lanka and the government have made up their mind not to let any such

investigation team enter their country at any stage. Sri Lanka, being a friendly state does

not—will not expect a Pakistani national to oppose their rulers on an issue which has already

been supported by Islamabad during UN Human Rights Commission’s related resolution.

Furthermore, India has recently supported Colombo’s stance and has opposed any international

investigation within Sri Lanka.

It is notable that as regards Human Rights Commission of Pakistan led by Asma Jehangir, in

2006, I had myself visited its head office, located in Lahore. I met some writers of a particular

newspaper, who had been working there. I came to know that its members were being sent to

various villages of Pakistan so as to note various crimes which were also published in magazines

and afterwards these were sent to western countries, especially America with the sole aim to

show the progress of this Commission which is financially supported by the US. No doubt,

we must condemn these crimes in our society, but if we point out these anti-social activities to

please our foreign masters, and in order to tarnish the image of our own country including its

forces, such a practice itself becomes a greater crime.

I ask the former HRCP’s Chairperson Asma Jehangir as to why multiple crimes, committed

inside the United States are not being indicated by this Commission with detail. From time to

time, a number of students have been shot in various American universities, but I did not read

any statement of Asma Jehangir in that respect. And why there is no detailed statement against

American forces, CIA and FBI which have so far tortured and killed a number of innocent

Muslims entailing Pakistanis at various detention centers under the pretext of war against

terrorism. She never spoke about atrocities, perpetrated by the American troops in Abu Ghraib,

other CIA torture-cells, and human rights violations inside the US homeland where since 9/11;

thousands of Muslims were targeted, labeling them as suspected persons.

The fact of the matter is that Asma Jehangir is waiting for Nobel Prize which is mostly awarded

to the western people and rarely to the Muslims. In this context, Asma is also making strenuous

efforts by getting this award by showing to the US-led western countries that she is serving

as human rights activists at the cost of Pakistan. One cannot note difference between her

hypocrisy and the US-led Hindu-Jewish lobbies which are determined to disintegrate Pakistan.

Nonetheless, all this shows the real face of Asma Jehangir.

However, a Pakistani national, being part of the UN investigation team, pitched against a

friendly country should be a matter of concern for every patriot Pakistani. Therefore, Pakistani

government should either get her name withdrawn from the investigation team or clarify (on an

international forum) that anything reported/presented or displayed by Asma Jahangir will be an

individual act, and will not reflect the policy of Islamabad. In this regard, media must impress

upon the policy makers to address the issue, because it will have serious consequences for

Pakistan–Sri Lanka relations at every level. The matter should be addressed as soon as possible

since the inquiry is already in process and the investigation team is to present and submit its first

report to UN in September 2014.

Particularly, Pakistan’s media must project that Asma Jahangir is blunt, arrogantly confident,

self projecting and outspoken individual, having qualification and experience in practicing law.

Her rebuking statement against the Sri Lankan government through BBC interview indicates the

extent of her being self-centeredness and idiosyncratic character. Islamabad holds Sri Lanka in

high esteem as a trust worthy friend under all seasons.

Government and people of Pakistan get deeply hurt every time, they recall the deplorable

episode of terrorist attack against Sri Lankan Cricket Team in Lahore. Such a devilish attack was

planned by anti-Pakistan elements to damage cricket in Pakistan and to create conditions to spoil

diplomatic relations between Islamabad and Colombo. Fortunately, relations between the two

friendly countries are still flourishing, while cricket is also being played between their national

teams. Terrorists and master minds of attack against Sri Lankan Cricket Team have surely been

frustrated and perturbed.

Nevertheless, any attempt by Asma Jehangir to target Pakistan on human rights violations in

Sri Lanka through so-called UN investigation must be thwarted by Pakistan’s top officials and


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