Syrian Rebels behind Aleppo Sarin Attack


I have just passed the analysis of samples taken at the site of the chemical attack to the UN Secretary General

British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin award the Russian Ushakov medal to Artic Convoy Veterans in No 10 Downing street on June 16, 2013 in London, England.
LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM – JUNE 16: British Prime Minister David Cameron (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin award the Russian Ushakov medal to Artic Convoy Veterans in No 10 Downing street on June 16, 2013 in London, England. Cameron meets with Russian President Putin for talks on the Syrian crisis amid fears that differences between Moscow and the West are pushing the two sides towards a new Cold War. (Photo by Anthony Devlin – Pool / Getty Images)
by Avalon 
I have just passed the analysis of samples taken at the site of the chemical attack to the UN Secretary General – Russia’s UN Envoy Vitaly Churkin
Russia Today just posted a report from a Russian team that conducted an on-site investigation and believes the chemical trail leads straight to the rebels.
This breaking news validates what most Independent Media reporting has suspected all along. The establishment of a so called ‘Red–Line’ with the use of chemical weapons was established for the very contingency of requiring additional backup forces to overpower the Syrian regime of Assad.
The strategy of supporting the Syrian rebels, who are primarily Al Qaeda forces, could be the Obama Administrations undoing. The complexity of this strategy is detailed in the article Is Obama Arming Al Qaeda to Topple Assad? by writer F. William Engdahl. There’s also a great article by James H. Fetzer who writes for titled,Washington Overtly Supporting Al-Qaeda in Syria
In the article Russian inquiry to UN: Rebels, not Army, behind Syria Aleppo sarin attack, the significant point about chemical weapons reads:

The Syrian government invited chief UN chemical weapons investigator Ake Sellstrom and UN disarmament chief Angela Kane for talks in Damascus on Monday, announcing that a rebels-linked storage site containing piles of dangerous chemicals had been discovered.
“The Syrian authorities have discovered yesterday in the city of Banias 281 barrels filled with dangerous, hazardous chemical materials,” Syrian UN Ambassador Bashar Ja’afari said, adding that the chemicals were “capable of destroying a whole city, if not the whole country.”
The chemicals, which included monoethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol, were found in a storage site used by “armed terrorist groups,” Ja’afari explained. He said that Syria has started an investigation into the discovery. 
The Syrian envoy expressed Damascus’ confidence that there will be “constructive negotiations with the Syrian officials in order to reach an agreement,” particularly in terms of “reference, mechanism, and time frame” of the UN mission.

In the article White House: Syria crosses ‘red line’ with use of chemical weapons on its people by CNN, one can see that CNN is totally compromised and has no objectivity or desire to report news honestly. The Russian investigation is news and merits reporting. CNN quite literally must be under complete control of the Obama administration – let’s see if they include any report on the Russian Chemical Weapons Investigation in any upcoming reports. Quoting from the article:

Washington (CNN) — Syria has crossed a “red line” with its use of chemical weapons, including the nerve agent sarin gas, against rebels, a move that is prompting the United States to increase the “scale and scope” of its support for the opposition, the White House said Thursday.
The acknowledgment is the first time President Barack Obama’s administration has definitively said what it has long suspected — that President Bashar al-Assad’s forces have used chemical weapons in the ongoing civil war.
“The intelligence community estimates that 100 to 150 people have died from detected chemical weapons attacks in Syria to date; however, casualty data is likely incomplete,” Ben Rhodes, the deputy national security adviser for strategic communications, said in a statement released by the White House.
“While the lethality of these attacks make up only a small portion of the catastrophic loss of life in Syria, which now stands at more than 90,000 deaths, the use of chemical weapons violates international norms and crosses clear red lines that have existed within the international community for decades,” Rhodes added.

Syrian rebels behind Aleppo Sarin Attack, not Assad forces – Russian inquiry to UN
Published on Jul 10, 2013
805 views on July 10, 2013 at 8:25 AM EST
It may have been the Syrian rebels, not President Assad’s forces, behind a chemical attack in Aleppo that left two dozen dead earlier this year. That’s according to a Russian team that conducted an on-site investigation and believes the chemical trail leads straight to the rebels. Washington, though, maintains it’s more likely to be the regime in Damascus. RT’s Gayane Chichyakyan reports.

Lastly, it is important to note that Vladimir Putin is opposed to military intervention in Syria, and recent statements reflect that position.

Putin opposed any foreign intervention. On 1 June 1, 2012, in Paris, he rejected the statement of French President Francois Hollande who called on Bashar Al-Assad to step down. Putin echoed the argument of the Assad regime that anti-regime ’’militants’’ were responsible for much of the bloodshed, rather than the shelling by Syrian forces and the civilian killings attributed by survivors and Western governments toregime supporters. He asked “But how many of peaceful people (sic) were killed by so-called militants? Did you count? There are also hundreds of victims.” He also talked about previous NATO interventions and their results, and asked “What is happening in Libya, in Iraq? Did they become safer? Where are they heading? Nobody has an answer.”[233]


Syrian rebels behind Aleppo Sarin Attack, not Assad forces – Russian inquiry to UN
The CIA’s “Founding” of Al Qaeda
Washington Overtly Supporting Al-Qaeda in Syria
Vladimir Putin
Russian inquiry to UN: Rebels, not Army, behind Syria Aleppo sarin attack

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