By Sajjad Shaukat
Sometimes, the hunter becomes the hunt and the gunner himself becomes a target. It happens so
with the United States whose ex-President George W. Bush and President Barrack Obama had
been utilizing various forms of terrorism in the last 14 years at the cost of their own country as
well as the whole world, while giving priority to the Israeli interests.
But, Russian President Vladimir Putin has played a key role in detecting the real terrorists. In this
context, recent developments in relation to the Syrian crisis such as Russian airstrikes on the
ISIL (Daesh) strongholds in the northern Syria and Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, its coalition
with Iran, Iraq and Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad, retreat of the CIA-supported
rebels and mercenaries after their failure to topple his government, proving links of Al-Qaeda
and ISIL with America and Israeli, Putin’s clear-cut statement, indicating the Zionist regime in
the US and Israel for their “fake war on ISIL”, and remarking, “NWO (New World Order)
agents and Satan worshipers simply have no clothes,” including the Vienna meeting where the
US Secretary of State Jonh Kerry agreed to keep the Syrian president in power (Contrary to
previous demand of regime change), for a unified, independent secular state of Syria, not to
allow ISIL militants group to reign in Syria, absence of Israel in the meeting and America’s
decision of sending 50 special forces to Syria to help in taking down ISIL terrorists have clearly
exposed the hidden aims of the US global war on terror.
Since the US started war against terrorism, after the 9/11 tragedy, various political experts have
opined that terrorism comes in a variety of forms such as religious terrorism, secular terrorism
Bruce Hoffman, in his book ‘Inside Terrorism’ writes: “For the religious terrorism, violence is
the foremost divine duty executed in direct response to some demand or imperative…the secular
terrorist sense leads to a sanctioning of limitless violence against a virtually open-ended category
Judging in these terms, either it is religious terrorism or secular terrorism, while backing the
Zionist Jews and Israeli supremacy in the Middle East in particular and the world in general, the
US which claims to be a secular state, has broken all the records of violence, genocide and
massacre by targeting the Muslims—even badly affecting the patriot Americans, during the
As regards terrorism, Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act
upon the traits of goat inwardly. He also suggests them foreign adventures and the use of terror
to obtain their goals. In his sense, a good ruler should be a good opportunist and hypocrite. While
echoing Machiavelli, Morgenthau points out that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities
like deceit, fraud, falsehood and even murder to fulfill their selfish aims.
Although, such a sinister politics was replaced by new trends such as fair-dealings, reconciliation
and economic development, yet by implementing the old strategies in the modern era, the then
President Bush and neoconservatives who were in collusion with the Jews and Tel Aviv
orchestrated a drama of global war on terror, following the false flag of 9/11, as they wanted to
change Henry Kissinger’s dream of the greater Israel into reality.
However, under the cover of the 9/11 tragedy, US employed coercive diplomacy on the weak
countries like Pakistan, Indonesia etc., including almost all the Arab States which joined
America’s war on terror. A majority of these states is still facing more militancy and internal
instability. US-led NATO forces attacked Afghanistan. Then, a deliberate disinformation
campaign was launched by the CIA and Jewish-controlled media all over the world that Iraq had
Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMDs). In that respect, on the self-fabricated intelligence
report and without mandate of the UN Security Council, American-Anglo forces invaded Iraq.
US-led forces employed state terrorism by special military operations, extra-judicial
assassinations and heavy aerial bombardment, which killed more than half million innocent
persons especially in Iraq and Afghanistan—and those countries like Somalia and Yemen where
the US was indirectly involved. And suspected Muslims were also kept in Guantanamo Bay, Abu
Graib and other cells, established in some Islamic countries and small European states where
personnel of the CIA, the FBI, and the military employed various methods of torture like
physical violence and even murder.
By availing the golden opportunity of the 9/11, both Israel and India joined Bush’s anti-terrorism
bandwagon and fully exploited the world phenomena of terrorism and anti-Muslim approach of
the US-led west in order to obtain their secret designs. They equated the wars of liberation with
terrorism. Their forces have been employing military terrorism such as curfews, crackdowns,
sieges, massacre and targeted killings to maintain alien rule on the controlled territories of
Palestine and Kashmir. Particularly, Tel Aviv’s brutal tactics like use of chemical weapons
against the Palestinians, Gaza blockade and starvation of the innocent persons—conversion of
the area into another concentration camp might be cited as example.
Meanwhile, President Obama who had said during his first election, “Bush has made the world
the most dangerous place”, and he would rectify the blunders, committed by his predecessor in
the name of war on terror, continued the same in their worst form. However, Obama-led
Administration went on with various techniques of ruthless terror and extrajudicial killings of the
innocent persons through illegitimate drone attacks—assisting undemocratic forces, toppling the
elected government in Egypt, and like Iraq, creation of more failed states such as Libya, Syria
etc., and covert assistance to Israel.
If, during the Bush era, Al-Qaeda was subsidiary of the CIA, ISIL which was also created by that
intelligence agency has been serving similar role, under Obama’s presidency. The militant acts
of both the terrorist outfits in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen and especially in Syria, including other
volatile Muslim countries have been utilized by Obama in distorting the image of Islam and
Jihad so as to pacify American public in wake of multiple internal and external problems like
heavy cost of prolonged ‘different war’, financial crisis, demoralization of troops in Afghanistan
etc., and to justify the US-sponsored state terrorism, particularly Israeli military terrorism.
Here, sectarian terrorism is also of particular attention. In this context, the US had planned to
spark a civil war between the Sunnis and Shias. For the purpose, a study of the leading think
tank, Rand Corporation, titled ‘US Strategy in the Muslim World After 9/11’ was conducted on
behalf of the then US Deputy Chief of Staff for Air Force. Its report which was released on
December 27, 2004 advocated that Sunni-Shia sectarian division should be exploited to promote
the US objectives in the Muslim World.
The report was first implemented in Iraq. CIA also got the services of Israeli Mossad to fuel
sectarian violence in Iraq. In 2004, major terror-attacks were carried out against the Shias.
Afterwards, a chain of Shia-Sunni clashes started between Iraqi Shias and Sunnis, targeting each
other’s mosques, religious leaders through bomb blasts, suicide attacks etc. After Iraq’s
experiment, more deadly pattern of sectarian strife and clashes have been conducted in Pakistan,
which still continues in one or the other way.
In March, 2013, an investigative report by the British Gurdian/BBC revealed that acting under
the direction of the US high officials, atrocities carried out by Iraqi police and forces in
Iraq—unleashed a deadly sectarian militia which terrorized the Sunni community and
Nevertheless, under Obama, America is still manipulating sectarian differences between Saudi
Arabia and Iran—also noted in Syria and Yemen which have been destabilized due to civil wars.
Nonetheless, US brand of war against terrorism which has gained significance after the 9/11 is
marked by confusion about its definition and application. It has been made complicated by the
deliberate propaganda of the Jewish-controlled media, so that, it could become difficult for the
general masses of the world to detect the real terrorists. In this regard, Palestinian, Afghan and
Kashmiri freedom fighters are waging the wars of national liberation. Therefore, their acts can
not be equated with terrorism.
World history proves that wars of independence in connection with various nations were their
reaction against subjugation, maintained by alien powers through state terrorism. In the 20th
century, a majority of the Third World countries got independence after an armed struggle
against the colonial powers. Even independence of the US, unification of Germany and Italy
became possible after an armed struggle. So, question arises that were the peoples of these
countries terrorists at that time?
As a matter of fact, US-led occupying powers in Afghanistan, Palestine etc. are intruders and
hence, the real terrorists who tend to conceal their own terrorist measures which have become
Consequently, main credit goes to Putin who has exposed the actual terrorists in case of Syrian
crisis and Iraq. Now, it is established fact that Bush, Obama, neo-conservatives and the related-
top officials of America—those of Israel and other Islamic countries who committed crimes
against the larger interest of humanity, are the real terrorists.