


 74 إرهابياً بين قتيل ومصاب في عمليات للجيش بدرعا وريفهاThe Syrian Army has put the kibosh on all the dreams of the Saudi/American/Jordanian/British terrorist supporters and enablers in Jordan.  The Southern Front has been exposed as a major strategic flop.  Even the terrorists, who are being supported by the U.S. despite claims that the Americans are fighting a war against them,  are losing men and materiel at a rate which is not sustainable any longer.  Efforts to recruit more terrorists among the thousands of refugees in the camps of Jordan have met with failure as Syrians are beginning to realize the trap into which they have fallen.  With Trump now plugging the inroads to the U.S., Syrian refugees have come to the unavoidable conclusion that their fate is in their country and under the leadership of one central government.  tO help these wretches along, the SAA has killed over 74 rodents during the last 72 hours.

For the last 4 days, without even a mention in the Zionist-controlled MSM, the Syrian Army has been battering the terrorists in Der’ah with an heretofore unseen ferocity.  It’s been now 8 months since the arrival of highly advanced artillery and rocket systems from both Russia and the Islamic Republic and the SAA has absorbed these new platforms with remarkable alacrity.


Der’ah City:  Using those new artillery and rocket systems, the SAA demolished the Nusra/Alqaeda presence in the Al-Manshiyya Quarter destroying one T-62 tank and killing all the crew aboard it.


Al-Furun Neighborhood:  Yesterday, the SAA artillery and missile units destroyed another tank incinerating the crew of rats in their seats.  Another pickup with 23mm cannons was also disabled.


Old Customs Building:  A mortar launch pad and its crew were liquidate when an SAA missile hit the bull’s eye.


Al-Nu’ayma:  An entire nest of rodents was annihilated 5 kms east of the City.  The terrorist rodents announced the deaths of these:

Maalik ‘Ali Abaazeed

Muhammad Raashid Abaazeed

Anas ‘Adnaan Kulayb  


Syrian Perspective obtained these names also:

Ghaalib Sa’eed Ansaari

Muhammad Mushaabik Farah

Zayn ‘Abdul-Ameer Fadhl

Badr Hassan Rahhaal

Ahmad Jaabir ‘Ali Al-Bardaan




We are but a few miles from Palmyra.  The SAA is moving slowly and cautiously into the areas most prized by the ISIS vultures.  We have learned that the SAA has poured large numbers of troops into the Bayaaraat area allowing the army to liberate Al-Kilaabiyya Village and all its surrounding farms.   As of today, the ISIS terrorist vermin have not been able to squeeze one single drop of oil from any of the oil fields it once controlled.  If anything will break ISIS, it is going to be its imminent bankruptcy.  Turkey is no longer able to keep a lid on its purchase of oil from the fields of Syria.  Erdoghan is approaching this problem gingerly lest he alienate, once again, his newly acquired Russian partners.  With Saudi Arabia, a bankroller for terrorism, itself on the red side of the ledger, ISIS will begin losing members at a rate far greater than what exists today.


IDLIB:  Ziad told you that Idlib would become a self-inflicted slaughterhouse for the terrorist rodents who have congregated there.  And, so, it is taking place now.  Yesterday, reports came in of rodents in Khaan Shaykhoon,  from the various factions of the FSA, such as Jabhat Tahreer Al-Shaam, being forced to kneel down for execution at the hands of Jund Al-Aqsaa.  According to Wael, in Latakia, many were beheaded in the classic style of ISIS using dull blades to sever the head from the rest of the carcass.   The mass executions were carried out in the presence of hundreds of horrified civilians who transmitted the events to the central government.  The speeches preceding each act of savagery indicated dissatisfaction with “moderate” terrorists participating in the Astana and Geneva peace talks.


In another event underlining the pure amorality of the United States and its Zionist allies, Jund Al-Aqsaa advertised its slaughter of over 100 so-called members of the FSA.

“5th Infantry Division:

Saddaam Abu Ayham Al-Hamad

Abu ‘Abdullah Al-Shaykh

Ihsaan Muhammad Al-Laban

Muhammad Al-Naasser

‘Abdul-Mun’im Al-Naasser

Moussaa Al-Saalih

Sulaymaan Al-‘Abdullah

Sulaymaan Al-Khashabi

Ibraaheem Mousaa Al-Ramadhaan

Muhammad ‘Abdul-Rahmaan Al-Jaassim

Muhammad Al-Ramadhaan

Na’eem Al-Subay’iy

Khaalid Al-Subay’iy

Khaalid Nooreddeen Al-Judoo’

Khaalid ‘Abdul-Razzaaq Judoo’

‘Aamer Al-Judoo’

‘Abdul-Razzaaq Saalim Al-Jalmood

Hussayn Shihaada Al-Raheel

‘Abdul-Qahhaar Al-‘Ubayd

‘Izzeddeen Anwar Al-Rahmoon

Taariq Mustafaa Al-Judoo’

Waleed Ziyaad ‘Abdul-‘Azeez

Muhammad Fadhl Al-Judoo’

Ridhaa Al-Darweesh

Mahmoud Al-Jaraad

Yaaseen Al-Jaraad

‘Abdul-‘Aleem Hassan Al-Thalji

‘Abdul-‘Aleem ‘Abdul-Kareem Al-Hassan

Muhammad ‘Abdullah Al-Hassan

Khaalid ‘Abdullah Al-‘Ubayd


And the list goes on and on.


ASTANA AND GENEVA:  The list of “opposition activists” who attended the new conference at Astana II:

1.  Nassr Al-Hareeri  – Opposition Coalition

2.  Muhammad Sabraa – Independent

3.  Muhammad Al-Shamaali  – Turkmen Coalition

4.  Fu`aad ‘Ulayku  – Kurdish Coalition

5.  Alice Mufarrij – Coordination Committee and Islamist cross-dresser

6.  ‘Abdul-Majeed Hamw – Coordination Committee

7.  Nash`at Tu’ayma – Coordinating Committee

8.  ‘Abdul-Ahad Istayfu – Coalition

9.  Khaalid Mahaameed  – Cairo Platform

10. Basma Qudhmaani – Independent and CIA agent par excellence

11. ‘Alaa` ‘Arafaat – Moscow Platform


Military Delegates:

12.  Faatih Hassoon – Jabhat Tahreer Homs

13.  Bashshaar Al-Zu’bi – Southern Front

14.  Mu’tassim Shamir – Yitzhak Shamir’s grandson and member of Faylaq Al-Rahmaan, Southern Front

15.  Ahmad ‘Uthmaan – Liwaa` Al-Sultaan Muraad – Northern Front

16.  Ziyaad Al-Hareeri – Southern Front

17.  Haytham Rahma – Faylaq Al-Shaam, Northern Front

18.  Khaalid Al-Naabulusi – Southern Front 





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From Waf, Pat and Latif, Syrian children finally smiling as the rodents are being exterminated.



One Million barrels of oil have arrived in Syria at the port of Tartous.  The petrol will be crucial to the restructuring of Syria’s energy sector and provide citizens with much-needed fuel.  



Image may contain: 2 people, outdoor

An American terrorist rat teaching his Syrian rodents the techniques of terrorism somewhere in Turkey.  (Thanks, Latif)


Brandon’s outstanding analysis of how the CIA destroyed Michael Flynn:

More about propaganda for those who are academically interested in programmatic lying:

Manufacturing Dissent:  a must-see documentary for all interested in the war on the Syrian people:

More lying exposed by the wire:

Read this interesting article about a documentary from Bolivia: (From Pat Henningsen)

And the interview with the reporter who broke the story:

The plan to oust Assad exposed: (Sharmine sent this one)




The Syrian Army has put the kibosh on all the dreams of the Saudi/American/Jordanian/British terrorist supporters and enablers in Jordan. The Southern Front has been exposed as a major strategic flop. Even the terrorists, who are being supported by the U.S. despite claims that the Americans are fighting a war against them, are losing men and materiel at a rate which is not sustainable any longer. Efforts to recruit more terrorists among the thousands of refugees in the camps of Jordan have met with failure as Syrians are beginning to realize the trap into which they have fallen. With Trump now plugging the inroads to the U.S., Syrian refugees have come to the unavoidable conclusion that their fate is in their country and under the leadership of one central government. tO help these wretches along, the SAA has killed over 74 rodents during the last 72 hours.

For the last 4 days, without even a mention in the Zionist-controlled MSM, the Syrian Army has been battering the terrorists in Der’ah with an heretofore unseen ferocity. It’s been now 8 months since the arrival of highly advanced artillery and rocket systems from both Russia and the Islamic Republic and the SAA has absorbed these new platforms with remarkable alacrity.

Der’ah City: Using those new artillery and rocket systems, the SAA demolished the Nusra/Alqaeda presence in the Al-Manshiyya Quarter destroying one T-62 tank and killing all the crew aboard it.

Al-Furun Neighborhood: Yesterday, the SAA artillery and missile units destroyed another tank incinerating the crew of rats in their seats. Another pickup with 23mm cannons was also disabled.

Old Customs Building: A mortar launch pad and its crew were liquidate when an SAA missile hit the bull’s eye.

Al-Nu’ayma: An entire nest of rodents was annihilated 5 kms east of the City. The terrorist rodents announced the deaths of these:

Maalik ‘Ali Abaazeed

Muhammad Raashid Abaazeed

Anas ‘Adnaan Kulayb

Syrian Perspective obtained these names also:

Ghaalib Sa’eed Ansaari

Muhammad Mushaabik Farah

Zayn ‘Abdul-Ameer Fadhl

Badr Hassan Rahhaal

Ahmad Jaabir ‘Ali Al-Bardaan



We are but a few miles from Palmyra. The SAA is moving slowly and cautiously into the areas most prized by the ISIS vultures. We have learned that the SAA has poured large numbers of troops into the Bayaaraat area allowing the army to liberate Al-Kilaabiyya Village and all its surrounding farms. As of today, the ISIS terrorist vermin have not been able to squeeze one single drop of oil from any of the oil fields it once controlled. If anything will break ISIS, it is going to be its imminent bankruptcy. Turkey is no longer able to keep a lid on its purchase of oil from the fields of Syria. Erdoghan is approaching this problem gingerly lest he alienate, once again, his newly acquired Russian partners. With Saudi Arabia, a bankroller for terrorism, itself on the red side of the ledger, ISIS will begin losing members at a rate far greater than what exists today.


IDLIB: Ziad told you that Idlib would become a self-inflicted slaughterhouse for the terrorist rodents who have congregated there. And, so, it is taking place now. Yesterday, reports came in of rodents in Khaan Shaykhoon, from the various factions of the FSA, such as Jabhat Tahreer Al-Shaam, being forced to kneel down for execution at the hands of Jund Al-Aqsaa. According to Wael, in Latakia, many were beheaded in the classic style of ISIS using dull blades to sever the head from the rest of the carcass. The mass executions were carried out in the presence of hundreds of horrified civilians who transmitted the events to the central government. The speeches preceding each act of savagery indicated dissatisfaction with “moderate” terrorists participating in the Astana and Geneva peace talks.

In another event underlining the pure amorality of the United States and its Zionist allies, Jund Al-Aqsaa advertised its slaughter of over 100 so-called members of the FSA.

“5th Infantry Division:

Saddaam Abu Ayham Al-Hamad

Abu ‘Abdullah Al-Shaykh

Ihsaan Muhammad Al-Laban

Muhammad Al-Naasser

‘Abdul-Mun’im Al-Naasser

Moussaa Al-Saalih

Sulaymaan Al-‘Abdullah

Sulaymaan Al-Khashabi

Ibraaheem Mousaa Al-Ramadhaan

Muhammad ‘Abdul-Rahmaan Al-Jaassim

Muhammad Al-Ramadhaan

Na’eem Al-Subay’iy

Khaalid Al-Subay’iy

Khaalid Nooreddeen Al-Judoo’

Khaalid ‘Abdul-Razzaaq Judoo’

‘Aamer Al-Judoo’

‘Abdul-Razzaaq Saalim Al-Jalmood

Hussayn Shihaada Al-Raheel

‘Abdul-Qahhaar Al-‘Ubayd

‘Izzeddeen Anwar Al-Rahmoon

Taariq Mustafaa Al-Judoo’

Waleed Ziyaad ‘Abdul-‘Azeez

Muhammad Fadhl Al-Judoo’

Ridhaa Al-Darweesh

Mahmoud Al-Jaraad

Yaaseen Al-Jaraad

‘Abdul-‘Aleem Hassan Al-Thalji

‘Abdul-‘Aleem ‘Abdul-Kareem Al-Hassan

Muhammad ‘Abdullah Al-Hassan

Khaalid ‘Abdullah Al-‘Ubayd

And the list goes on and on.


ASTANA AND GENEVA: The list of “opposition activists” who attended the new conference at Astana II:

1. Nassr Al-Hareeri – Opposition Coalition

2. Muhammad Sabraa – Independent

3. Muhammad Al-Shamaali – Turkmen Coalition

4. Fu`aad ‘Ulayku – Kurdish Coalition

5. Alice Mufarrij – Coordination Committee and Islamist cross-dresser

6. ‘Abdul-Majeed Hamw – Coordination Committee

7. Nash`at Tu’ayma – Coordinating Committee

8. ‘Abdul-Ahad Istayfu – Coalition

9. Khaalid Mahaameed – Cairo Platform

10. Basma Qudhmaani – Independent and CIA agent par excellence

11. ‘Alaa` ‘Arafaat – Moscow Platform

Military Delegates:

12. Faatih Hassoon – Jabhat Tahreer Homs

13. Bashshaar Al-Zu’bi – Southern Front

14. Mu’tassim Shamir – Yitzhak Shamir’s grandson and member of Faylaq Al-Rahmaan, Southern Front

15. Ahmad ‘Uthmaan – Liwaa` Al-Sultaan Muraad – Northern Front

16. Ziyaad Al-Hareeri – Southern Front

17. Haytham Rahma – Faylaq Al-Shaam, Northern Front

18. Khaalid Al-Naabulusi – Southern Front




From Waf, Pat and Latif, Syrian children finally smiling as the rodents are being exterminated.



One Million barrels of oil have arrived in Syria at the port of Tartous. The petrol will be crucial to the restructuring of Syria’s energy sector and provide citizens with much-needed fuel.



An American terrorist rat teaching his Syrian rodents the techniques of terrorism somewhere in Turkey. (Thanks, Latif)



Brandon’s outstanding analysis of how the CIA destroyed Michael Flynn:

Did The CIA Just Stage A Micro-Coup Against Trump Administration?

More about propaganda for those who are academically interested in programmatic lying:

SYRIA: UK Academic Slams Amnesty International and NGO Complex Propaganda Campaigns

Manufacturing Dissent: a must-see documentary for all interested in the war on the Syrian people:

SUNDAY SCREENING: Manufacturing Dissent: The Truth About Syria

More lying exposed by the wire:

FAKE NEWS WEEK: ‘Assad and Russia’s Slaughter in Syria’: Deconstructing the Media’s Fake ‘War Crimes’ Narrative

Read this interesting article about a documentary from Bolivia: (From Pat Henningsen)

Western MSM Complicit in Fueling ‘Artificially’ Ignited Syrian War – Bolivian Filmmaker

And the interview with the reporter who broke the story:

EP #14: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – ‘Witness to War’ with guest Carla Ortiz

The plan to oust Assad exposed: (Sharmine sent this one)


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