Syria in Last 24 Hours: 219 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Kobani

Syria in Last 24 Hours: 219 ISIL Terrorists Killed in Kobani</p>
<p>Oct 8, 2014</p>
<p>The Kurdish Pishmarga forces in Syria killed a large number of terrorists in heavy clashes in the Syrian-Kurdish town of Kobani (also known by the Arab population as Ayn al-Arab).</p>
<p>At least 219 members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group were killed in Kobani clashes, reports by human rights observers said.</p>
<p>Also in the last 24 hours, a priest along with 20 other Christians were kidnapped in a Syria-Turkey border village.</p>
<p>Also media reports said on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia has begun training more anti-Syrian rebels.</p>
<p>Diplomatic sources said the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council kingdom has been hosting thousands of terrorists for military training.</p>
<p>The sources said some 5,000 recruits have arrived from Syria, Turkey and other countries for a course that could last between four and six months.</p>
<p>“This marks a long-term commitment by the Saudis and its allies to sustain the revolt in Syria,” a diplomat to the World Tribune.</p>
<p>Meantime, after regaining control of the Syrian town of Dukhaniyeh, the army announced plans for larger scale attacks aimed at completely clearing the regions around the capital Damascus from militant groups.</p>
<p>According to Syrian Local media on Monday, “security and stability” was restored in Dukhaniyeh and its surroundings after militants were pushed out of the region.</p>
<p>Syrian forces launched an operation to flush militants out of Dukhaniyeh after it was captured by foreign-backed militants in September.</p>
<p>Also on Tuesday, the Syrian army fiercely clashed with the terrorists of the ISIL and Al-Nusra groups on the barrens of al-Jebba and Assal al-Ward in Qalamoun in Damascus countryside, killing and injuring scores of them.</p>
<p>Al-Nusra and ISIL terrorists had launched a major attack against the garrisons of the Syrian army that repelled the offensive and inflicted heavy losses upon them.</p>
<p>The Syrian army also launched air raids and artillery shells onto the terrorists' concentration centers, what resulted in a high tension in the area.</p>
<p>Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs and terrorists against both the army and civilians.</p>
<p>The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.</p>
<p>As the foreign-backed insurgency in Syria continues without an end in sight, the US government has boosted its political and military support to Takfiri extremists in the country, while it alleges to be fighting the same groups as terrorists in Iraq.</p>

The Kurdish Pishmarga forces in Syria killed a large number of terrorists in heavy clashes in the Syrian-Kurdish town of Kobani (also known by the Arab population as Ayn al-Arab).

At least 219 members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) terrorist group were killed in Kobani clashes, reports by human rights observers said.

Also in the last 24 hours, a priest along with 20 other Christians were kidnapped in a Syria-Turkey border village.

Also media reports said on Tuesday that Saudi Arabia has begun training more anti-Syrian rebels.

Diplomatic sources said the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council kingdom has been hosting thousands of terrorists for military training.

The sources said some 5,000 recruits have arrived from Syria, Turkey and other countries for a course that could last between four and six months.

“This marks a long-term commitment by the Saudis and its allies to sustain the revolt in Syria,” a diplomat to the World Tribune.

Meantime, after regaining control of the Syrian town of Dukhaniyeh, the army announced plans for larger scale attacks aimed at completely clearing the regions around the capital Damascus from militant groups.

According to Syrian Local media on Monday, “security and stability” was restored in Dukhaniyeh and its surroundings after militants were pushed out of the region.

Syrian forces launched an operation to flush militants out of Dukhaniyeh after it was captured by foreign-backed militants in September.

Also on Tuesday, the Syrian army fiercely clashed with the terrorists of the ISIL and Al-Nusra groups on the barrens of al-Jebba and Assal al-Ward in Qalamoun in Damascus countryside, killing and injuring scores of them.

Al-Nusra and ISIL terrorists had launched a major attack against the garrisons of the Syrian army that repelled the offensive and inflicted heavy losses upon them.

The Syrian army also launched air raids and artillery shells onto the terrorists’ concentration centers, what resulted in a high tension in the area.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs and terrorists against both the army and civilians.

The unrest, which took in terrorist groups from across Europe, the Middle-East and North Africa, has transpired as one of the bloodiest conflicts in recent history.

As the foreign-backed insurgency in Syria continues without an end in sight, the US government has boosted its political and military support to Takfiri extremists in the country, while it alleges to be fighting the same groups as terrorists in Iraq.

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