Does anyone know anything about survival rates in the Warsaw Ghetto?

I am trying to substantiate this argument from Derrick Jensen:

But remember, the Jews who participated in the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, even those who went on what they thought were suicide missions, had a higher rate of survival than those who did not fight back. Never forget that…Before we talk about that we have to return for a moment to the Jews who participated in theWarsaw Ghetto uprising.
When I wrote earlier about those Jews who resisted having a higher rate of survival than those who went along, and then at least implied that if we resist the ongoing holocaust around us we also may ultimately have a higher rate of survival than those who do not resist, I was in one sense cheating. There was a major difference between them and us. The Jews weren’t attempting to take on the Nazis by themselves. By the time they rebelled, the Germans were losing ground in the East.

Also I have a review of Grant Smith’s Spy/Trade up at Electronic Intifada. Analysis of the Lobby as a capitalist institution? Political economy of American imperialism in the Middle East are next up, ’cause school is out.
Technorati Tags: Derrick JensenGrant Smith Spy/TradeIsrael LobbyWatsaw Ghetto
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