Supporting Zio-Nazi army is against US law

Supporting ‘IDF’ is against US law

By Mahmoud El-Yousseph

Attention All US Citizens:

Donations to the IDF are not tax-deductible. Under the US Patriot Act-1990, whoever knowingly provides material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization shall be fined or imprisoned for no more than 20 years or both.

The year 2022 has been the deadliest year for Palestinians living under Israeli occupation in decades. 231 Palestinians (including 41 children) were killed by the IDF in 2022.

Online news magazine Modoweiss kept a record of all those who were killed by the IDF and illegal Jewish settlers. Google Mondoweiss for their names.

Among the Palestinian children who were killed by IDF during 2022, 17 were from Gaza while the other 24 were from the occupied West Bank, according to (QNA). Palestine-Israel stated, “The youngest victim was Fatma Jalal al-Masri, 1, and the oldest victim was a US citizen from Malwaukee, Wisconsin, Omar Assad, 80. 

It is mind-boggling to hear that the IDF officer who killed a 24-year-old Palestinian with autism last year just got a promotion and raise.

The victims were men, women, and children who were killed in their own country while others like Ibrahim Nablusi were killed protecting their homeland from illegal invaders and criminal trespassers. That what lead Miko Peled, an Israeli-American author and a former IDF soldier to refer the IDF as “Israeli terrorist organization,” who has been engaged in the crimes of ethnic cleansing and genocide against Palestinians for decades.” 

I should note here that when Israeli settlers harass Palestinian children on their way to school, destroy their crops, and/or chant “Death to Arabs,” they are protected by the police and IDF but if Palestinians stand up for themselves, they are shot by the IDF.

That said, Israel is an occupier power, and the Palestinians are oppressed and under occupation. Thus, Israel isn’t entitled to “self-defense” against the people under its occupation.

Nevertheless, whoever provides support for the IDF is complicit in crimes against Palestinians as well as US law that bans support to any terror group.

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