NOVANEWSJust for the record here are more screenshots demonstrating that AJ MacDonald attempted to create problems for the Free Ziyad Yaghi campaign. No one provoked him. Instead he attacked brother Ken O Keefe, Sammi Ibrahem, and me.I find such behavior inhumane, disgusting, and despicable. Sister Laila is suffering from the imprisonment of her son. I have looked at all of the evidence against her son and I am without doubt he is innocently suffering in a maximum security cell for nothing more than refusing to bend to FBI coercion to testify against people he did not know.
It is apparent that this joker has decided to target Sammi, I, Ken, as one bulls eye. Please keep these shots for your records and please use them for the future according to your discretion. TJP
If this whacko was really interested in helping the Yahgis he would not be on the page creating so much trouble. People with such egos/Agenda really make me sick and do much harm to the cause.what a prat!!
Remember when you got angry at me a few months ago for keeping MacDonald on my friends list? Now you know why. Sammi asked me to keep an eye on him. I finally unfriended him because his anti-woman rhetoric pissed me off, but I’m still subscribed to his silly blog (which no one seems to read, by the way).
Mary, where does this guy come from? He keeps showing up on causes I support and I don’t believe he is actually sincere about helping the wrongfully imprisoned or Palestine. I feel like I am being stalked by this asshole! astagfirallah
i think he’s a bit off, he just makes me uneasy and he always did – and when I feel uneasy, I try to pay attention because I’m picking up weirdness signals
I don’t like this fighting, and if this guy is a stalker, every word going in his direction from your keyboard is only going to make things worse
We need someone to write up a history of the Gaza Camp. That would really be interesting. According the opinions and memories of the people there.
i do too, i just need to get my residency here first, i’m going to be doing that, and it will make it lots easier to do a lot of things
that is what i want to do
i wanted to see the camps when i was with CRP but you know sasha was scared to death to go to the camps
she is going to need a lot of help too, she’s now busting her butt to deal with syrian refugees
that big hot mess is just going to get worse
She is I don’t know what it is about that woman, but she has the ability to energize and motivate me. Something special about Sue
I need to get involved in that issue
that’s because Allah puts that light inside them, you just find yourself wanting to stay close to that light
We have some great people here, if we could look past our differences, we have so much potential. I agree with you Mary.
i think it’s another prime opportunity to do something with writing – if i had someone who could translate for me, i would love to write syrian stories and blog them
because like iraq, nobody knows whats going on there, there is little info in the media that is telling the truth
i’m thinking if i get my shit together here, and finally the light is on the horizon, i would love to spend a couple of weeks in amman doing that
good, that’s great, i know sasha was afraid of the palestinian camps because she said they were hostile to americans
Sometimes I have a hard time bc they try to always convince me to throw away my American passport and exchange it for a Japanese one
I can live there, but they told me next time to make sure I have a Japanese passport lmao
Now everytime, they give me a hard time when I tell them I haven’t switched my nationality yet
Oh yeah.
I had a hard time about it in Syria and in Zarqa
I don’t think you would ever had a problem Mary.
I am sure eveyrone knows where your allegiance is always
when i went with ghazwan to the police station to extend my visa, the cops were all introducing me to other cops, i drew a crowd
i don’t know, it’s a matter of money but i’m almost out of the woods
i want to go too, i missed an opportunity a few weeks ago to go with ISM to document the damage from Pillar of crap
Sandy Io Nichols left the conversation.
Thank you, Siraj,
Michael Langston and I got wise to MacDonald last spring and warned a few well known people about him when he, MacDonald, was trying to weasel his way into their graces.Here is a note Michael Langston put together: what is A J MacDonald doing now?
this is from a long time ago, but i he called you and Mark Glenn anti-semites a few months ago on his blog
I think I should unfriend him! He claims that he is trying to help my son but he got me mad yesterday by putting up these posts against people who are trying their best to help me
I am totally out of patience with all of this. I just cut him loose and I ignore him. Too many personalities wasting time on personal grudges, and it’s disgraceful. Unfortunately, you cannot waste time going after every wingnut who badmouths you. Respond once if you must, then put it behind you. I subscribe to MacDonald’s blog – it appears that nobody reads it.
Nobody reads it, which means nobody listens to this guy, so why bother wasting time on him?
i’m not crazy about mark glenn, i have my opinion about him, but i don’t go blasting it all over as though i am the thought police
this is where it gets ridiculous, when people think they have the right to tell other people what they can say
honestly it’s better just to forget about him! I have to go to work and I have enough stress going on with my son being in constant solitary confinement and am so worried about him losing his mind!
Agron Belica left the conversation.
i would just forget about him too, as i said, he doesn’t have anyone reading his blog so what he says is just bouncing off the screen of his own computer
laila, can your son get emails?
i wish i could write but please know that i pray for him, and all the young people who are in his situation
let me see if I can find out if anyone is still working on their case
they are 6 young men, yemeni-americans, who were charged as a test case with material support for terrorism
Thank you so much Carolyn and Sammi I am going to bookmark and share those posts on AJ MacDonald. This guy has some nerve! He thought of posting accusations of people being communists on Sister Laila’s wall ANd anti-Ken blogs. His sole purpose like always, spurn division and suspicion. Even if any of us were Communists, so what! Communists were the very first organizing and aiding African Americans during the Civil Rights Movement. It doesn’t matter the political or religious affiliation, we are world citizens, and our goal is humanity – Free Ziyad. God bless you all and much respect. TJP In the future, I am going to keep a closer eye on this AJ troll.
THanks Mary and Sammi for the support to Sister Laial Al hamdulilah
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Sammi, AJ MacDonald posted on Laila Yaghi’s facebook page calling you a communist. Laila and I immediately erased his posts.
This guy is a real Zionist troll!
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Seen 18:25