Smoking Gun: Nice And Munich Terror Attacks Linked To CIA And Mossad

by Baxter Dmitry
Evidence the terror attacks in Nice and Munich were false flag operations by Mossad and the CIA have surfaced.

Evidence continues to surface that the terror attacks in Nice and Munich were government orchestrated false flag operations by European Union governments in league with Mossad and the CIA, while the authorities waste no time clamping down on civil liberties in the wake of the events.

It has emerged that Richard Gutjahr – a German journalist married to an Israeli politician and former spy agency employee – was on the scene filming the truck attack in Nice, and then found himself taking pictures at the Munich mall when the shooter opened fire.

In Nice, Gutjahr was quoted by AFP saying: “I stood on the balcony, right on the Promenade des Anglais, and saw how people celebrated there, and how suddenly a truck drove through the crowd.”

Then he appeared at the mall in Munich:

Local reporter Richard Gutjahr described the scene at the shopping center as something “out of a bad movie,” with the shopping center completely surrounded by police, a helicopter overhead, and police carrying semi-automatic rifles. Gutjahr was not able to confirm reports of deaths or injuries.

Gutjahr deleted his Twitter post including a photo of the Munich mall scene, but it is cached here.

Gutjahr’s wife, Einat Wilf, is a former Knesset member and Mossad agent, who is now an Israeli politician. She was a member of Unit 8200, an intelligence unit, during her time in the Israeli military and served as foreign policy advisor to Shimon Peres, strategic consultant to MacKenzie and Co. in New York, and a general partner in Core Venture Capital in Israel. In 2007 she ran for the presidency of the World Jewish Congress.

Since the Munich shooting Einat Wilf’s Wikipedia page has been edited to scrub all reference to her links with Israeli intelligence. Here are screen shots of the page before the shooting, and after the shooting – with references to spy agencies scrubbed:

Einat Wilf wiki

Meanwhile a new close up image of the truck has been released, showing that all bullet holes were on the passenger side of the window – with hardly a single bullet on the driver’s side. Were the French police trying to keep the driver alive?

Nice terror truck

It is also suspicious that the police did not fire at the truck’s tires. The truck would not be allowed to continue for a staggering 1.5 miles if the police shot at the tires. The question is, were police intentionally missing their target – simulating an attempt to stop a terrorist – or are they the world’s worst marksmen?

Newly released photos show not a single bullet on target

Newly released photos show not a single bullet on target

The terror attack in Nice, France could not have come at a more auspicious time for the deeply unpopular President Hollande and his embattled government, leading many to believe this was a false flag government orchestrated attack. The government and authorities have been struggling to control a citizen uprising for the past three months and now they can impose more state of emergency measures, call up military operational reserves, and justify clamping down on any dissidents to thwart the uprising movement.

Not long before the attack happened, French President Hollande said the national state of emergency was to be lifted, so it seems like a strange coincidence for an event to appear right away – on Bastille Day, the country’s national day celebrating the French Revolution in 1789 – allowing the state of emergency to be immediately reinstated, the current revolution to be thwarted, and the New World Order’s march to an authoritarian one world government to continue unimpeded.

Why is France getting attacked? It all started after France said they were going to recognize Palestine as a state, then they started getting odd ‘terror’ events which are used to demonize Muslims. The same happened with Belgium after they started moving in the same direction. Norway also had a mass killing after they sided with Palestine. A a pro-Palestine and anti-Israel political youth organization was attacked, leaving 77 dead.

In October 2014, France’s foreign minister said France would recognise a Palestinian state even if peace talks with Israel fails.

In November 2015 we had the Paris attacks.

In Belgium the parties of the new centre right government agreed to recognise Palestine as a state. The Chamber of Representatives adopted a resolution in favour of this motion in 2015.

Then we had the 2016 Brussels bombings.

Norway upgraded the Palestinian mission in Oslo to an embassy in December 2010, and Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre called for the creation of a Palestinian state within a year.

Then we had the 2011 Norway attacks.

The attacks in Norway were on the largest political youth organization, Workers’ Youth League, who were calling for a boycott of Israel in response to their crimes against humanity in Gaza. Many anti-Israel politicians of the future were killed off that day.

The most obvious suspect with the most to gain from such events is the CIA/Mossad. If it is them, they are trying to turn public opinion against Muslims, so there will be less pressure on the French government to help Palestine, and the New World Order can retain control.

While the mainstream media colludes with the authorities and suppresses news of the massive citizen uprising in France – the largest protests in the country since the French Revolution – they will give the false flag terror event blanket coverage for the next two weeks because this suits the purposes of their masters, the New World Order.

The people of France have been bravely rising up against their elitist ruling class for the last three months, then on Bastille Day, the day the French celebrate their ancestors rising up and overthrowing the elites, the current New World Order aligned government performed an inside job designed to save their skins and thwart the new French Revolution.

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