By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

Illegally Nazi Occupied Jerusalem : The occupation police arrested six Palestinians from the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque this afternoon, most of them children.
The Prisoners’ Information Office reported that the Nazi occupation forces arrested the girls, Maram al-Natsheh, Aya Ashour, Tala Nasser, Mayar al-Natsheh, and Duha Ghazawi, while they were in “Bab al-Rahma”.
He added that the detainees were no more than 15 years old, as they were taken to Nazi investigation camp in the Old City.
He confirmed the arrest of the young Jamal Asali from the vicinity of “Bab Al-Rahma” in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, pointing out that he is a resident of the occupied Palestinian interior.
In the context, the Islamic Endowments Department told “ ” that dozens of Nazi Jewish settlers, Jewish students and elements of the Nazi occupation Gestapo intelligence stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque this morning, including the extremist Yehuda Glick.
She added that 54 settlers Nazi Jewish stormed the mosque with the protection of the Nazi occupation police, along with 60 Nazi Jewish settlers from Jewish religious institutes and Hebrew universities.
She pointed to the storming of 12 elements of the Gestapo intelligence of the Nazi occupation and made tours in Al-Aqsa Mosque and its surroundings, in addition to 102 employees of the Nazi occupation government who were accompanied by Nazi police officers.