• Our guests tonight on Political Prisoner radio are Laila Yaghi and Siraj Davis. Laila is the mother of Ziyad Yaghi, a young U.S. citizen of Palestinian heritage who is accused of being part of a terrorist conspiracy. Laila and her supporters, including Siraj Davis, are fighting to prove that Ziyad is completely innocent of any crime. Tune in from 8:00pm-9:00pm at or by phone at 1-218-862-7200 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-218-862-7200 FREE end_of_the_skype_highlighting ext. 629990.
    Ziyad Yaghi is a 24 year old American citizen, from Jordan originally, who has lived in the U.S. since the age of two. He has been accused of attempting to commit terrorism abroad in an indictment which infers that trips abroad by a Muslim are part of a terrorist conspiracy. Ziyad visited Jordan in 2006, the country of his birth. Unfortunately the US Indictment appears to have misinterpreted this intention, and states instead that he was seeking armed conflict. In 2007, Ziyad and his friend Omar sought to visit the west bank and Masjid al-aqsa, one of Islams most famous and revered sites and one which holds particular appeal for Ziyad as he is from Palestinian heritage.
    On July 27, 2009, dozens of heavily armed Swat and hostage rescue team members arrested seven North Carolina men on terrorist-related charges, even though Department of Justice (DOJ) officials said the men weren’t serious threats to US domestic or foreign interests and no evidence suggested ties to Al Qaeda or other militant groups.
    Ziyad’s mother and supporters are fighting to prove that he was just a young Muslim man who traveled as millions of young people do, seeking different cultures and experiences. It is discriminatory to assume that if a Muslim man engages in a trip to the Middle East that it is seditious conspiracy, yet if a non Muslim man were to do the same then it is soul-searching and adventure.
    Writer Stephen Lendman states, “Government paid bogus experts lie. False testimony given is inflammatory. Credible defense witnesses are ruled out of order and denied. Pre-trial publicity hypes spurious terror threats. Media scoundrels headline them. Juries are intimidated to convict. Right-wing judges facilitate witch-hunt injustice. Targeted Muslims haven’t a chance. Guilty by accusation imprisons them.
    Ziyad got 31.5 years hard time for visiting family members in Jordan. Perhaps also for wanting to pray at Islam’s third holiest site. American justice calls this terrorism or conspiracy to commit it.”

    Political Prisoner Radio: The Ziyad Yaghi case – 8:00PM EST

    Our guests tonight on Political Prisoner radio are Laila Yaghi and Siraj Davis. Laila is the mother of Ziyad Yaghi, a young


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