Shameless chutzpah: Could it work for Muslims Too?


by Kevin Barrett


As an American Muslim, I am a great admirer of the Jewish people, especially American Jews. I think we Muslims can learn a lot from the way Jews have made their presence felt in American society.

For example, I marvel at the chutzpah of the Beth Shalom Temple in Corona, California, which recently tried to shake down Mel Gibson:

“Our proposal to you, Mr. Gibson, is since you have been cited as an Anti-Semitic, and have denied those allegations, what better way to prove to all your fans and the nay Sayers — than to endorse and help raise funds for our cause — SOS, Save Our Synagogue…Mr. Gibson, we offer you to be a Mensch and make a sizable contribution to our cause.”

I imagine the folks at Beth Shalom Temple need the money for their PR campaign against anti-Semitism. They plan to run ads insisting that contrary to the pernicious stereotypes in films like Mel Brooks’ The Producers, Jews are NOT shameless, pushy, money-grubbing opportunists.

If they can pry a few more million dollars loose from Gibson, the next step will be to hire America’s latest Jewish overnight sensation, Andrew “assassinate Obama for Israel’ Adler, to host a series of ads proving that American Jews do NOT harbor dual loyalties.  Adler is the ultimate example of an American who clearly harbors loyalty to only one country. By flooding prime-time TV with images of Adler calling on Israel to assassinate Obama, the BS Temple PR pros should be able to finish off that “dual loyalties” canard once and for all.

And so…if shameless chutzpah pays off for Jews, why not for Muslims too? How about:

Dear Bill Maher, 

Our proposal to you, since you have been cited as an Islamophobe, is to send us a million dollars and publicly apologize for calling Muslims a bunch of violent extremists. If you don’t do this, we’ll come and blow you up. 


Dr. Kevin Barrett

And since just about all of the wealthy and powerful individuals and institutions in America are islamophobic, we should be able to shake them all down.

Then we’ll take the billions we’ve raised, and buy up the media. We’ll make sure that Muslims get the majority of key posts, and that a pro-Muslim, anti-Zionist point of view completely dominates the airwaves and headlines.

And we’ll use the rest of the money to buy up Congress and the presidency.

And then if anybody even MENTIONS the fact that Muslims have bought up the media and staffed it with a wildly disproportionate number of Muslims and anti-Zionists…and that anti-Zionist Muslims have bought the federal government via bribery…we’ll just silence them by calling them Islamophobes.

Now THAT would be al-chutzpah al-akbar.

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