Serious deterioration of the situation of the captive striker


By: Sammi Ibrahem,Sr

It occupied West Bank – Quds News : According Board Prisoners Affairs, on Monday morning,deteriorating health condition ofprisonershunger strike for Sultan Ahmed Khallouf “38 years” from village Burqin near Jenin city.

According to the prisoner’s lawyer, Khallouf, who has been on the rampage for 61 days, has entered a critical stage, suffering from a brain dysfunction, severe mouth ulcers, severe vision impairment, pain throughout his body, and significant weight loss.

She also said that the prisoner also suffers from constant “inhalation” and can not make any movement or suffer from severe headaches, warning that the prisoner enters the stage of deadly danger at any moment if the administration continues to intransigence in not responding to his request to end his administrative detention.

Yesterday, the Palestinian prisoner Ramadan, 44, was transferred to an Zionist hospital after his health deteriorated. The Prisoners ‘and Editors’ Affairs Authority explained that the prisoner started his hunger strike on 8/9/2019 to protest the installation of jamming devices in Gilboa detention centers. .

It is noteworthy that the famous prisoner, from Jabal Mukaber, south of occupied Jerusalem, entered his 18th consecutive year in the jails of the occupation, and is sentenced to life for 20 times.

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