Serbia: Martti Ahtissaari, Man of Honour?

Martti Ahtisaari

By Sir Vojislav Milosevic

Director, Center for Counter-terrorism &World Peace


Former UN special envoy to resolve the Kosovo problem, Martti Ahtisaari, has accused Serbia of refused to fairly consider the history of the Kosovo conflict and, therefore, should bear the consequences.

In an interview with German newspaper „Spigel” Ahtisaari said that it is wrong to designate Slobodan Milosevic and Ratko Mladic as the sole culprit for the events in former Yugoslavia.

”Completely wrong to say that Milosevic and Mladic were the only culprits. If a society do such activity, such as Serbia did, then it must bear the consequences. The solution for Kosovo seems therefore, at best, preventive” said Ahtisaari, Nobel Peace Prize winner year 2008. The solution for Kosovo, according to Ahtisaari, sends a clear message.

Martti Ahtisaari and Slobodan Milosevic

Mr. Ahtisaari, if you are involved in peace-keeping process, you have to work on your own knowladge about the problem. But, you did not. You worked only on your personal bank accounts. And, you willingly agreed to be a puppet in the hands of some other people and some other forces. You have caused harm to justice, truth, God, Serbia, Europe, and many, many more.

Let’s review pertinent facts!

Serbia has been around for a long time. Serbs were settled in the area where they are now as early as 4th century. And for five-six centuries after that they built their nation, a great and proud nation. Serbia, like the rest of the Balkan area, has had a turbulent history, with many invasions and wars. But the Serbs are a tough and indepedent people, and they held their own most of the time.

Then in 1389 the Ottoman Turks, pushing into Europe from Asia, were met at Kosovo Polje (Kosovo Field) by the Serbian army. Serbian fouight against more powerful Turkish army to stop them and prevent them not to conquer Wienna, Paris, and probably Finland. Actually, most of the Europe that time.

The Serbs fought with great bravery, and one Serb nobleman, Milosh Obilich rode alone into the Turkish camp, fought his way into sultan’s tent, and single-handedly killed the leader of the Turks with a dagger. Despite their courage, however, the Serbs suffered a crushing defeat at Kosovo. This left the Balkans at the mercy of the Turks, and 64 years later, in 1453, Constatinopole, today’s Istanbul, also fell to them.

In history books, Kosovo & Metohia is often called – Old Serbia.


International delegations at the funeral of Josip Broz Tito, at the time the largest state funeral in history by the number of attending state delegations, including four kings, 31 presidents, six princes, 22 prime ministers and 47 ministers of foreign affairs from 128 different countries.[72

Albanians began arriving in the 17th century, during the Turkish occupation.


After more than 400 years of Turkish rule, the Serbs finaly regained their freedom – at least from Turks – in 1860s. In the Treaty of Berlin, in 1878, the Serbian situation was essentially legitimized. Alhough the Turks were off their backs, the Austro-Hungarian Empire claimed rights in the area, and this claim eventualy sparked the First World War: on June 28, 1914, the 525th anniversary of the Kosovo battle, the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by the Serbs in Sarajevo.

”If a dictator in any country starts to misbehave towards their citizens, then it has consequences. Then the international community has a responsibility to intervene. In this case, it means ”the independence of Kosovo“, Ahtisaari said, when asked why it was not possible compromise solution, with whom he could agree and Serbia too.

After the First World War the New World Order gang in Washington and London were on the winning side and had an opportunity to try some of their experiments, one of which was to ignore centuries-old ethnic boundaries and cobble together an artificial „multicultural“ entity which they called – the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, with Serbian Karadjordjevic’s Royal family on top.

After the Second World War Washington and London turned Kingdom of Yugoslavia over to the rule of bloodthirsty dictator Josip Broz Tito. The identity of „Josip Broz Tito“ was not real. This name is taken from another person who was previously killed. The man who introduced himself as Tito was arson. And, Tito was a member of the Iluminati. As such, he was elected a member of a narrow circle of „rulers of the World from the shadows“. And, consequently, he became the

Prime Minister Josip Broz Tito greeted by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Anthony Eden in London, 1950.

„founding father“ of Non-Aligned movement. That’s why the founding conference was held in Belgrade in September 1961.

Reporting on his death The New York Times commented:

Tito sought to improve life. Unlike others who rose to power on the communist wave after World War II, Tito did not long demand that his people suffer for a distant vision of a better life. After an initial Soviet-influenced bleak period, Tito moved toward radical improvement of life in the country. Yugoslavia gradually became a bright spot amid the general grayness of Eastern Europe.

The New York Times, May 5, 1980[77]

International delegations at the funeral of Josip Broz Tito, at the time the largest state funeral in history by the number of attending state delegations, including four kings, 31 presidents, six princes, 22 prime ministers and 47 ministers of foreign affairs from 128 different countries.[72]

The largest state funeral, at the time in history by the number of attending state delegations, including four kings, 31 presidents, six princes, 22 prime ministers and 47 ministers of foreign affairs from 128 different countries!!! The reason: he was the member of ILLUMINATI. Inner circle. By the way, his coffin was empty, because he was buried a few months earlier in Vienna.

”Germany is the only country that really confronted with his past, and before that I adore. No one, otherwise, did” said Ahtisaari.

Emphasising that the Serbian refusal to ”the history of the conflict” had a fair review, Ahtisaari said that this is a general problem that confronts the world today.

Let’s see  !!!

Although Tito was a communist and was guilty of ordering some horrific massacres in the 1940′s, he did not seek to centralize all authority in Yugoslavia the way Stalin, his erstwhile „Soviet ally“, had done. One of the reasons Tito’s Partisan army had garnered so much support during World War II was that it was widely believed that Tito would put into place a true federalist system in the postwar Yugoslavia. This hope was important to many people because from 1918 to World War II the Serbian royal family, with its allied military and business interests, dominated life in Yugoslavia.

Indeed it was Tito’s goal to give more power to the various republics in his country. His main reason for doing this was not idealistic. He simply did not want the biggest national groups in Yugoslavia, especially the Serbs, to dominate the country as they had done before the war. He did not want to foment too much regionalism or any separatism either, so Tito and his fellow communist leaders walked a fine line between clipping the wings of Serb and Croatian nationalism and cultivating the self-assertiveness and national identity of smaller groups, such as the Macedonians, Bosnian Muslims, and Kosovo Albanians.

In Yugoslavia’s 1946 constitution, Kosovo was considered an “autonomous region” within Serbia. By the time of the 1963 constitution, its status was effectively upgraded to that of an “autonomous province” (AP) within Serbia. There was a second AP in northern Serbia. It was called Vojvodina. The next change in Kosovo’s status came with the 1974 constitution, which boosted the power of both AP’s.

They became true federal entities, almost as powerful as the country’s six republics–which used to be today’s Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, and Slovenia–themselves. The Serbians felt that the power of their republic had been unfairly diminished. The Serbians’ fear was underscored by Albanian riots in 1981, just after the death of Tito. Not all Albanians wanted their Kosovo province to secede from Yugoslavia. Many simply wanted an improved standard of living and further legal changes that would upgrade the region’s status to that of a full republic, equal in autonomy to Serbia.

Before the WW2 Serbs were the majority in Kosovo region.

When the Nazi-Fascist powers invaded and dismembered the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1941, they attached Kosovo&Metohia and some regions of Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece to Albania to form grater Albania under the rule of fascist dictator Mussolini. The Kosovo Albanians formed military units to fight for the Nazis, killed more than 10.000 Kosovo Serbs and Jews at the begening of the war 1941, and drove more than 100.000 out to concetracion camps in Germany and some part into the rest of Serbia.

After, they brought immigrants in from Albania, to fortify the presence in the province.

During these decades of postwar political changes, the population of Kosovo was also changing in important ways. In 1961 Serbs still made up about one-third of the province, but by 1971 they comprised only one-fourth. Serbs tended to blame this population shift on Albanian efforts, abetted by Communist party policy, to drive them out. Most outside observers assert that while relations between the groups were often less than civil, most Serbs left Kosovo, which was the poorest part of the former Yugoslavia, in search of better jobs and educational opportunities. The Albanian community there also had a birth rate much higher than the Serbs’.

In 1987 a Serbian official named Slobodan Milosevic began his rise to power by making a famous speech at the battlefield in Kosovo. He won great popularity among the Serbs by urging them to reassert themselves in Kosovo, and he promised help from Serbs in other parts of the country. Two years later Milosevic was back, to help commemorate the 600th anniversary of the Battle of Kosovo.

The Albanians were now seen as the allies of or successors to the maligned and misrepresented Turks. Wars broke out in Slovenia, Croatia, and Bosnia-Herzegovina as the people of those republics decided that it was time to pursue their own cherished dreams of independence, since they could no longer live comfortably with an „increasingly militant Serbian leadership“.

YouTube – Veterans Today –

Video: 600 years since the Battle of Kosovo: Speesh by President of Serbia Slobodan Milosevic (part 1/5)

Who is not capeable now, to consider the history of Kosovo conflict? Serbs or EU? Or UN and Mr. Ahtisaari? Who should bear the consequences?

It’s clear: German Chancellor Angela Merkel, during the last visit to Serbia a month ago, has asked Serbian president Boris Tadic that Serbia give up UN Resolution 1244 under which Kosovo remains part of Serbia after 1999 criminal bombing, without the permission of the UN Security Council !

The Serbs refused. Then, the Serbian government has not received a term of the begining talks with EU to join the Union on Dec. 9th 2011.

Ok Mr. Ahtisaari, Mr. Man of „Honour“, or rather Man of HOROR !!! I know that you have had to justify your wrong, imposed solutions. You, as a very experienced man and politician, should know that the truth always comes to the surface:

Secretary-General’s Special Envoy Martti Ahtisaari was in charge to make a final status proposal for Kosovo&Metohia. Ahtisaari has made an unfaroble proposal for Serbia, and Serbia has rejected it. The proposal was rejected by the UN Security Council as well.

However, Ahtisari has received a bribe of 40 million euros for INDEPEDENCE, as the final status of province.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon asked reports to be done secretly of suspected corrupt Ahtisaari. For it is appointed Luc Neumann, officialy the representative of German government at Kosovo&Metohia, actually the member of German Secret Service (BND) with the rank of brigadier.

A written report has been submitted that confirms that  Ahtisaari received the money. The money was transfered to bank accounts in Switzerland and Cyprus. The handover of part of the money was on February 12th 2008. Submitted by the clerk of the Pristina government, which came in  UNESCO headquarters in Mercedes car, licence plate: PR 443-22 CD.

Out of the car came out two man. Each one was wearing a silver suitcase, which are in the building handed over to Ahtisaari.

Twelve days later, Feb. 24th 2008, in the same car with changed plates, came personaly Edzet Bori, accompained by two bodyguards. Edzet Bori was a close associate of Begjet Pacolli, Albanian millionaire with Swiss passport. Pacolli is one of the main bosses of tha Albanian criminal underworld, whose center is located in Turkey.

BND agents have found a clear relationship and frequent comminication between the leaders of the Albanian mafia and Ahtisaari. Recordings clearly show that the calls were sent from the number that belongs to Pacolli. The content of the conversation was related to the transaction of money of 2 million euros from Swiss bank in Basel, account number: 23970- 93457 – 00097, protected as an offshore sub-account code: XS52-KOLER. Edzet Bori is the owner of the account number: 345 934 669 900 4533, account code: VOLAND – Cypriot bank.

Every evidence is in UN Secretary General office.

Who should bear the consequences of all of this, Mr. Ahtisari?You were an assistant in making of a drug state, state of cartels, state of mafia and terror – so called „Kosovo state“.

At the end of the day, Serbs don’t want even a bit which is not ours, not even a single grain of sand which does not belong to us. On the other hand, you either cannot take it from us. Well, you can take from us everything, you – western countries, are powerful. You can do whatever you want. By one year and a day – it can be all yours, if you decide. Nevertheless, we will not agree with that.

If you take it from us, 100 years later, 200 years later – we will still have a legal right on it ! Our grandchildren will have this right. But, if we retreat, if we sign it, we will lost this right – forever.

We will not do that !!! Auf wiedersehen !

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