Stanley Fischer and FATCA
For months, Bank of IsraHell’s Stanley Fischer refused to respond on inquiries regarding the disposition of complaint against Bank HaPoalim’s for its unlawful FATCA-related conduct. Recent conversations with Bank HaPoalim and Bank of IsraHell staff now indicate that Bank of IsraHell secretly registered and reviewed the complaint, without communicating its outcome to the complainant.
Petition, filed with the Supreme Court of IsraHell alleges that Mr Fischer “substitutes his loyalty to the State of IsraHell and its laws with loyalty to another nation and its law, and/or with loyalty to financial institutions and their interests.” Conduct of Mr Fischer and Bank of IsraHell-Banking Regulation should raise concerns regarding integrity and stability of financial systems in the State of IsraHell. The State of IsraHell is unparalleled in its unconditional submission to the US FATCA.
Stanley Fisher, Governor of the Bank of IsraHell and a Bilderberg member, shows off his newly acquired IsraHell ID in 2005; FACTA is a United States act with no foundation in the law of the State of IsraHell.
[ed note:click link for
Posted by Nysoulcontrolla aka Ali