Second Ad Featuring PM Netanyahu Airs in Florida


By Rachel Hirshfeld
A new ad featuring Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is set to hit the airwaves in Florida, Politico reported.
The ad, which will air in Miami, West Palm Beach and Ft. Myers, is the work of a tax-exempt non-profit organization called Secure America Now, which due to its c4 tax status, is not required to disclose its donors.
In September the group aired the first ad of its kind featuring the Israeli prime minister, in an attempt to urge voters in these key Jewish population centers of the dire need to elect a president who will be able to forcefully and effectively contend with the perilous Iranian regime.
Speaking about the Iranian threat, the prime minister is seen saying, “The fact is that every day that passes Iran gets closer and closer to nuclear bombs. The world tells Israel: ‘Wait, there’s still time.’ And I say, ‘Wait for what? Wait until when?’”
The ad concluded with a voiceover stating, “The world needs American strength, not apologies.”
In the most recent ad, Netanyahu asserts: “Those in the international community who refuse to put red lines before Iran don’t have a moral right to place a red light before Israel.”
“I think Iran must understand that there is a red line so they stop advancing on their program to produce atomic bombs,” the prime minister says.
“Its’ time to stop Iran and stand with Israel with no apologies,” a voiceover concludes.
Commenting on the Joe Biden’s remarks during the vice presidential debate, the ad’s producer, Nelson Warfield, told Politico that, “Several Secure America Now supporters who have known Netanyahu for many years were quite surprised to hear Joe Biden brag about being such a great pal of the Prime Minister.”
“They thought Florida voters might like to hear directly from Biden’s old buddy about the need to finally get tough with Iran,” he said.

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