Say NO to Birmingham University Zionist Policy


We the undersigned,

Support the 12 University of Birmingham students facing disciplinary procedures that could result in the termination of their degrees. The students are facing the disciplinary action after a peaceful occupation on Monday 17th January. The group undergoing disciplinary action were part of a larger group opposing the University’s plans for department cuts and staff redundancies. We condemn the arbitrary isolation of members of the ‘Stop Fees and Cuts at the University of Birmingham’ as an inappropriate way to respond to very serious concerns.
We condemn the use of unreasonable force at the end of the occupation by university security staff that resulted in several injuries against peaceful protestors. We condemn the university’s refusal to allow for concerned staff members and union members to enter the building to oversee the eviction as impartial witnesses.

We believe the students involved were acting in an altruistic manner, and although they may have breached some university regulations, we ask the university to show leniency.
We ask the University to make a statement apologising to students and staff for the use of unreasonable force and to ensure impartial witnesses are allowed access during any future occupations.

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