SAA finds Jihadi gas attack location in Idlib

SAA captures jihadi gas attack staging site evidence

…from Southfront

[ Editor’s Note: Well this is a rare opportunity to see HD photos of a jihadi chemical attack that went bad, on them. It takes special equipment to load compressed chlorine into a shell like this, but from the stain on the floor it looks like a batch of home made chlorine soup was used.

One of VT’s big gas attack breaks came after endless screaming at Syrian officials that we needed closeup photos of major captured equipment, including the manufacturing serial number on the back, in HD quality.

They finally came through with their images of a Duma chlorine gas operation with an American made gas compression, date of manufacture and serial number. In a few hours we had tracked it to being sold/laundered through Saudi Arabia and then on into Syria. As usual, no official US entity contacted us wanting to learn more.

In the recently captured jihadi equipment videos and photos we have seen a lot of the wide mouth mortars used to fire these shells, inaccurately of course, so used on large area targets.

Once again, Western media saw no need to cover this story, adding to their list of shame and disgrace. So be it, as that means we in the independent media have less competition … Jim W. Dean ]

Looks like everybody took off after the spill

– First published … March 08, 2020 –

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has found the place where militants planned to stage a chemical provocation near the city of Saraqib in southeast Idlib, the Russia Russia-24 TV reported on March 8.

Syrian troops discovered a rocket-propelled munition containing a chemical substance, an improvised explosive device (IED) and equipment for working with hazardous chemicals.

…“during a more thorough inspection next to the container of liquid was discovered improvised explosive device with the supplied wires. Our equipment recorded that the yellow substance in the container is a chemical toxic substance. The results of the preliminary analysis, the chlorine,” Syrian officer, Hassan Bashir, role the channel.

The RIA Novosti agency released several photos showing the materials and equipment found by the SAA near Saraqib city.

Militants of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) attempted to use the chemicals to stage a provocation on March 2. However, they ended up poisoning themselves, according to the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

The militants’ provocation was likely meant to justify a intervention by the U.S. and other Western nations against the SAA. Similar plans were uncovered by Russian, Syrian and Lebanese sources over the last year.

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