S Korean Ruling Party Slams N Korean Foreign Minister’s UN Speech


A passerby looks at a TV screen reporting news about North Korea's missile launch in Tokyo, Japan September 15, 2017

On Sunday, South Korea’s ruling Democratic Party criticized the speech North Korea’s Foreign Minister made at the UN General Assembly meeting.

(Sputnik) — South Korea’s ruling Democratic Party criticized on Sunday the speech made by North Korea’s Foreign Minister at the UN General Assembly in New York and called for responsibility.

“North Korea tried to justify its nuclear programs… But the international community will only regard the North’s claims as groundless sophistry… North Korea must also keep in mind that the only way to achieve the realization of international justice isn’t by carrying out reckless provocations but by taking action responsibly as a member of the international community,” the party’s spokeswoman said, as quoted by Yonhap News Agency.

On Saturday, North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho said, addressing the UN General Assembly, that Pyongyang would prevent any US attacks which used “merciless preemptive action.” The statement was a response to US President Donald Trump’s threat to “totally destroy” North Korea if forced to defend the United States or its allies, voiced on Tuesday.


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