Russian aviation has conducted 431 sorties and hit 1,458 terrorist targets in seven Syrian provinces over the past week, the Russian Defense Ministry said Friday.”Over the past week (from November 26 to December 4), Russian aviation has carried out 431 sorties from the Hmeymim airbase and conducted pinpoint strikes on 1,458 terrorist targets in the provinces of Aleppo, Idlib, Latakia, Hama, Homs, Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa,” the Russian Defense Ministry spokesman said.
Terrorist command centers, training camps, ammunition depots and strongholds have been destroyed by Russian airstrikes, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
The Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed 12 fuel-transfer stations and 8 terrorist-controlled oil fields over the past week, Konashenkov said.
“Over the past week, 12 [terrorist-controlled] fuel-transfer stations, 8 oil fields, as well as 170 tanker trucks were destroyed by Russian aviation.”
Terrorist command centers, training camps, ammunition depots and strongholds have been destroyed by Russian airstrikes, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.
The Russian Aerospace Forces have destroyed 12 fuel-transfer stations and 8 terrorist-controlled oil fields over the past week, Konashenkov said.
“Over the past week, 12 [terrorist-controlled] fuel-transfer stations, 8 oil fields, as well as 170 tanker trucks were destroyed by Russian aviation.”
“In the past 24 hours alone, the Su-34 strike aircraft hit two truck convoys near Aleppo and Raqqa, destroying up to 40 terrorist vehicles modified to transport oil products,” Konashenkov said.
According to him, all combat sorties carried out by Russian attack aircraft in Syria were conducted with escort by Su-30 Flanker-C fighter jets.”I want to emphasize that all sorties conducted by our bombers and attack aircraft were covered by Su-30 fighter jets.
Moreover, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a terrorist stronghold in the Syrian province of Latakia, which was located at a strategically important height.
“Near the village of Kessab in the Latakia province, a major stronghold of militantslocated at a tactically important height was destroyed.”
Russian aviation destroyed a major terrorist ammunition depot in the Syrian province of Hama, the general said.”A major arms and ammunition depot of terrorists was destroyed near the village of Morek in the Hama province. As a result of a strike by a high explosive bomb, the object was completely destroyed.”
Moreover, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed a terrorist stronghold in the Syrian province of Latakia, which was located at a strategically important height.
“Near the village of Kessab in the Latakia province, a major stronghold of militantslocated at a tactically important height was destroyed.”
Russian aviation destroyed a major terrorist ammunition depot in the Syrian province of Hama, the general said.”A major arms and ammunition depot of terrorists was destroyed near the village of Morek in the Hama province. As a result of a strike by a high explosive bomb, the object was completely destroyed.”
In the Homs province, a camouflaged terrorist command center was uncovered and later destroyed by Russian warplanes, Konashenkov said. “This command center coordinated artillery shelling of populated areas conducted by terrorists.”
Over the past week, Russian airstrikes eliminated terrorist leaders in the province of Hama, Konashenkov said.