Russian Diplomat: US Didn’t Consult With Moscow On ‘Deal Of The Century’

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya

Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya

The US has not consulted with Russia on US President Donald Trump’s Mideast plan, said Russia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya.

“We were not consulted, we don’t know what this plan consists of,” he said in response to a question as reported in the Russian News Agency (TASS).

In October 2019, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that the American initiative was aimed at renouncing the two-state solution.

“Regarding other issues in the Middle East, I am very concerned about the revisionism that is now manifest in US policy on a settlement in the Middle East, the settlement between Palestine and Israel,” he stated.

“The two-state solution is actually being brushed aside and the efforts of the Quartet of international mediators have actually been blocked,” he added during the annual Valdai International Discussion Club’s panel on Russia’s policy in the Middle East.

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