Russian Air Force carries out heavy attack near Turkish border

The Russian Air Force resumed their aerial assault in western Aleppo and western Idlib on Wednesday, as their warplanes targeted several areas under the control of the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) and Saudi Zio-Wahhabi Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS).

According to reports from northwestern Syria, the Russian Air Force heavily targeted the western region of the Aleppo Governorate, hitting a number of sites near the town of Daret ‘Izza.

Furthermore, the Russian Air Force carried out a number of raids near the Turkish border, with a high concentration of these strikes targeting the Jisr Al-Shughour District of the western countryside Idlib.

This latest string of airstrikes by the Russian Air Force comes just a day after the ceasefire talks between Moscow and Ankara collapsed.

The two countries are expected to meet once again in the next 24 hours in order to come to an agreement on the Idlib Governorate.

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