Roger Godsiff didn’t turn up to vote


Roger Godsiff MP

Dear All

This could be big. Thousands of us stood up to the government against the bedroom tax, and we’ve just won the first round. [1]

The bedroom tax targets the most vulnerable people in our society. It forces people to move or pay more rent if they have a “spare” room, even when there aren’t any other homes to go to. It’s left some people on the brink of losing their homes, and forced others into debt. [2]

Last week, 38 Degrees members asked our MPs to vote for a new law to scrap some of the worst parts of this unfair tax. The good news is that the vote went the right way. But unfortunately, your MP, Roger Godsiff, didn’t turn up to vote. [3]

But there’ll be more debates before we can get this new law passed – and we can’t afford to lose any of them. Sending an email to Roger Godsiff will let him know how much him voters care about this and could convince him that he can’t miss the next vote.

Not everyone expected this new law to get this far. Some politicians are still sitting on the fence. Emailing Roger Godsiff today will send a strong message that you want him to fight the bedroom tax – and that you’ll be watching how he votes next time. It’s easy to email your MP here: 

38 Degrees members have already persuaded scores of other MPs to vote for this new law. People power is working. Here’s what some MPs have been saying about the impact 38 Degrees members had on their decision:

“I have re-organised my constituency diary and intend to attend this important debate in Parliament tomorrow.” Louise Ellman MP

“I have listened long and hard to your good self and many others who hate this disgraceful tax. I am happy to tell you that I am going to attend, and, hopefully, speak in the debate, and support the motion.” David Anderson MP

But it’ll take several more votes before these changes to the bedroom tax are written into law. We need more MPs to support it. Together, let’s keep up the pressure on Roger Godsiff to make sure he takes a stand next time.

So can you take two minutes now to email your MP, Roger Godsiff, to ask him to vote for these vital changes to the bedroom tax? 

When 38 Degrees members work together, we get things done. Earlier this year, thousands of us emailed our MPs asking them to stop the Hospital Closure Clause – a new law that would have made it easier for the government to close hospitals. And we won! [4]

Together, we have the power to get the worst parts of the bedroom tax scrapped too. [5] Let’s keep up the momentum and show politicians that these cruel cuts are no match for people power.

Thanks for being involved,

Rebecca, Maddy, Rachel, James, David and the 38 Degrees team

PS: If we can get this new law passed, then people living with disabilities, or living in areas where there aren’t smaller council properties to move to, won’t have to pay the bedroom tax. The new law isn’t perfect – it wouldn’t fully scrap the bedroom tax. But it’s a big step in the right direction. Right now, it’s the best chance we have to reduce the number of lives hit by these unfair cuts. Please click the link below to send an email now:

[1] Independent: ‘Bedroom tax’ to be abolished as Coalition is rocked by Lib Dem-Labour alliance:

BBC News: Why Andrew George’s benefit bill may become law:

[2] Shelter: The Bedroom Tax:

The Guardian: Bedroom tax affected more than 522,000 people, first figures show:

Worcester News: Worcester mum says bedroom tax move has left her £900 out of pocket:

[3] Hansard: Commons Debate record for Friday 5th September 2014:

[4] 38 Degrees blog: Hospital closure clause: we did it!:

[5] Andrew George’s website: Private Members’ Bill decision – George goes with ‘Affordable Homes Bill’:

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