Allegedly driving Jews away from Jewish life, according to top rabbi
The recent string of attacks against Jews in Europe has driven many Jews away from an active Jewish life, said the president of one of Europe’s leading Orthodox Jewish networks on Tuesday.
“We’re dealing with a large number of Jews who because of the risk involved, and terrorist attacks, have stopped coming to Jewish events,” Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt told theAlgemeiner. “It’s more important [for these Jews] to stay alive than to stay Jewish.”
The 51-year-old Swiss-born Conference of European Rabbis (CER) president, who is also Chief Rabbi of Moscow, said apathy was a greater risk to the Jews in Europe because as an issue it is more elusive than both antisemitism and assimilation.
“While assimilation and antisemitism can be addressed directly, apathy is a much harder issue to address … There is a certain percentage of Jews saying I’d be better hiding,” he said. “Our message to our community is that this is not the answer.”
On Monday, the CER awarded French Prime Minister Manuel Valls with its Lord Jakobovits Prize for European Jewry, for his “exemplary determination in the fight against antisemitism.”
Valls said he “can’t imagine a France without Jews,”Goldschmidt related.
“He’s going to make sure that Jews and community centers and synagogues or (sic) going to be protected” as long as the need exists, said the chief rabbi, adding that Valls pledged just a few days ago a “new program of 100 million euros ($112 million) to combat antisemitism on the Internet and on the streets.”
This was the third year the CER awarded the Jakobovits prize. Last year it went to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and the year before that to Polish Prime Minister and European Parliament President Jerzy Buzek.
Meanwhile, the recent Islamist attacks against French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in which 12 people were killed, and subsequent attacks in France including at a Kosher supermarket, showed Europeans that the problem was not uniquely Jewish, said Goldschmidt.
“It is not a problem with the Jews, it is a European problem,” he said. […]
There are two points worth making regarding the rabbi’s statements.
First of all, the alleged “terrorist attacks” targeting Jews in Europe, including the purported Charlie Hebdo attack and the alleged attack on a kosher supermarket in Paris as well as the alleged shooting at a synagogue in Copenhagen, all appear to be entirely media-created events. Indeed, most of the alleged “terrorist attacks” and “terrorist plots” presented on the television, hyped by the government, and endlessly discussed by “terrorism experts” and government officials on the major news networks and in the major newspapersare simply media creations. The masses are expected to blindly and uncritically accept what is presented on the television and what is stated by the government without any genuine and verifiable proof or evidence.
Of course, various Western and Israeli intelligence and law enforcement agencies are often involved in setting up Islamic patsies, who are essentially used as props in these staged, media-manufactured “terrorist attacks” in the West designed to perpetuated the Jewish concocted “Global War on Terrorism,” demonize Muslims, and hype the alleged threat of “anti-Semitism” and “persecution” of Jews around the world. The television is literally a weapon of mass deception, especially the “news” that is broadcast to global audiences.
Secondly, once again we have a prime example of just how important Jewish ethnocentrism and identity are to the organized Jewish community. Leading rabbis and other figures within the organized international Jewish community are constantly stressing the need for maintaining and even strengthening Jewish ethnocentrism, unity, and values.
In many cases, the alleged threat of “anti-Semitism” is hysterically hyped as a means of increasing Jewish ethnocentrism and fostering a stronger Jewish identity within the global Jewish population. As Rabbi Goldschmidt bewailed in the article above, alleged “anti-Semitism” and “terrorist attacks” purportedly targeting Jews are allegedly leading increasing numbers of Jews in Europe to stop leading active Jewish lives. “Our message to our community is that this is not the answer,” Rabbi Goldschmidt emphasized.
We have no way of verifying Rabbi Goldschmidt’s contention that Jews in Europe are afraid of leading open and active Jewish lives. However, the purported threat of “anti-Semitism” and “Jewish persecution” will no doubt be used to increase Jewish ethnocentrism while perpetuating the false “victimhood” status of Jews around the world, which has generated enormous, yet entirely unfounded, sympathy from the non-Jewish world.